We learned that Jaylon was attending a community college in Miami and would be back in a few weeks in time for thanksgiving.

Isaac had met Lucy a year after Malakai and I fled, marrying only six months later. Malakai explained that we traveled west, completely leaving out the part where we were chased around by a crazy ass Spanish drug lord.

It was only a few days later that I tried to visit my mother, only to discover she had relapsed and died of a drug overdose. I cried for a hike afterwards after, promising to be better for my baby.

Weeks passed where I grew to be so big I could barely see my feet. It was now thanksgiving, and I giggled as Jaylon wrapped me in his big embrace.

"Aye I swear yo, you better be carrying my nephew. And let me raise him, don't want him being soft like his sensitive ass daddy." He said in his deep voice.

Malakai came up behind him, putting his ass into a chokehold. I rolled my eyes playfully and went back to helping Lucy with the food. Soon we were all seated around the small round table, laughing and telling stories.

I looked across the table at Malakai to see him giving me a sly grin. I shook my head at him and got up to make a trip to the bathroom. It seemed like the bigger the baby got, the more I had to go.

I wasn't the least bit surprised when Malakai joined me as I was washing my hands. He wrapped his arms around me, "Pops likes you."

I turned around to face him and kissed under his chin lightly, "I think he's just excited about the baby."

Malakai just grinned and crushed his full lips to mine, "Me too. Ion know how long I can go without getting my dick wet."

I pushed him, "Stop it nasty ass." I giggled.

Malakai stopped smiling just for a brief moment, "Don't you think it's time now?"

"Time for what?" I tilted my head to the side, giving him a funny look.

He just licked his lips, getting down on one knee steadily. Before I could react, I heard the flash of a camera go off and looked up to see Lucy, Isaac, and Jaylon in the hallway. Lucy was crying, but Jaylon just had a smug look on his face.

I looked down again, startled to find that I already had tears trailing down my face. I laughed nervously as he pulled out a black box.

"Aye Nyla, will you do me the honor of being my fiancé...again?"

I full on laughed and nodded as Jaylon started to cheer, "Aye let's get it nigga!"

He stood up and placed the ring on my finger. This one was different though, it had a small opal stone in the middle and wasn't nearly as flashy as the one he had used previously.

"Where did you-"

I stopped once I realized the one around his neck was gone. It was his mother's ring.

I didn't even open my mouth to ask him to take it back, I knew he would never. Plus, I was honored to be wearing one of his most valuable possessions on my finger.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and kissed him gingerly, "I like this one better."

We were married by next week. It was only a small wedding that consisted of me, Malakai, Isaac, Lucy, Khadi, King, and Julian.

Nyla (Urban)Where stories live. Discover now