Chapter 14 - Fantasy is better than reality

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"Life doesn't give us purpose. We give life purpose."

~ Barry Allen (The Flash)

Xander had planned for this moment. This exact moment. He'd been planning and hoping for this moment ever since he got here. He was going to be free of this godforsaken delusion even if it killed him.

Actually, he really didn't want to die

Maybe everything was a delusion after all and he was really in his own personal hell. Maybe he was dead already.

Happy thoughts, Xander. Happy thoughts.

He had it all figured out. Everything was figured out. All Xander needed to do was prove it to himself once and for all that this place wasn't real. Even when he first arrived, part of him believed the false memories. They were so real that there was no way a small part of him didn't believe. Believe that superheroes didn't exist.

But Xander knew the truth. He knew. He had to.

If he hadn't seen Mera in the hospital when he first woke up, he may not have clung to this reality as tightly as he did. Maybe he would've woken up earlier.

"You know, if the demons ever do come and take you, I would surely have to go too," Taylor noted, staring off into space. "I mean, if I ever were to fail in my duty, I surely couldn't go on with myself. That should be able to reassure you."

Damn, she really was insane.

Correction, the real Taylor back home was sane, the one in his head was only a figment of imagination.

"It totally reassures me, Taylor."

Her eyes brightened, "It does? Oh, Xander, you're marvelous."

Xander tried not to look at her. It was easier to believe she wasn't real that way.

"Can't you see that he doesn't care about you?" Artemis scoffed, her ponytail pulling the skin on her face harshly. "It's honestly so sad to see how you act around him."

Taylor huffed and crossed her arms, "I don't see Ross liking Celeste anytime soon, why should you be talking?"

That seemed to be a sore spot with Artemis.

In the corner voices rose louder as Anakin and Brandon were arguing evermore over poor absentminded April.

"She'll never love you! You're too dumb for her."

"Oh yeah? Well, you're too short!"

"You're too mean."

"No, you're too mean."

Both looked very insulted at the other.

April didn't even look up at either of them. Instead, she got up and walked straight out of the common room and down the hall. Both men gave the other a weird look and then sat down on opposite sides of the couch, confused and sad.

At least it was never boring here.

"Pills," Nurse Gustin announced.

Everyone got in line. It was almost monotonous now how often they'd done it. Ian appeared behind Xander in line. He had been very quiet ever since coming. Obviously this world still shook up Ian more than it shook up Xander.

When it was Xander's turn to take the pill, he refused.

"Patient, just take the pill," Ross ordered in an almost bored tone of voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2017 ⏰

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