Chapter 13

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He remained quite for awhile. All this time, his eyes were not meeting mine. He must have felt ashamed and wouldn't have had the courage to look at me
"Listen, we need to talk about certain things" he started
"There is nothing to talk about, Shahveer. You've ended everything." I replied back
"We can still make it work."
"Nothing will work."
"We could atleast try."
"I can't forgive you, Don't you get it. Even if you beg me for forgiveness, I won't be able to forgive you. I don't have that big of a heart."
"Leave, Shahveer."  I walked over to the door and opened it for him. His eyes were pleading me for a chance but I was determine for not letting them work on me.
With disappointment he left the room. I closed the door behind without a glance back.
I woke up around the time my dad leave for his office. I got ready and went downstairs to talk to him. To my surprise, Shahveer was already present there at the breakfast table with my dad.
"I need to talk to you." I started straight, I didn't want to waste any more time.
"So do I." My Dad calmly said "but before that, let's have some breakfast."
"Breakfast can wait. I want a divorce as soon as possible." I said it bluntly
All the servants looked at me with shock but they quickly maintained themselves as if they didn't hear what I said.
My Dad seem to be not bother by my statement, continued his breakfast while Shahveer looked at me and my dad confused.
"I've other plans." My Dad started off " You will be leaving for Canada with your husband" 
I was beyond shocked. I couldn't believe my own Dad would be doing this all to me.
"I'm not going anywhere with him" I said composing myself
"You are and that's final. This is my house and you've to listen to me."  His voice was stern
Tears starts to fill in my eyes, it was hard for me to believe that your own family would abandon you when you need them the most.
Shahveer stood up from his seat and looked at me with concern. When your own blood refuses to support you, how could you fight for yourself. I've never felt such helpless and lost.
"If she doesn't want to leave for Canada, you shouldn't force her." Shahveer broke the silence "I don't want you both to ruin your relationship over a relationship that might not last that long."
"You both have to work on this relationship. Marriage is not a joke. Getting a divorce without any valid reason is something stupid and I won't support it. You both aren't kids anymore, You're going to start a practical life and I don't want you guys to make wrong decision due to your childish behavior." Dad got of his seat while glaring at us.
"Alizeh is going to leave for Canada with you and will stay there for atleast 6 months and if then she comes up to me with a valid reason for a divorce, I would support her. You both haven't even lived together and are asking divorce, get your sense together." With that he left the dining room.
I stood there, taking in all the things he said. I didn't know how to react. All I know is my pleading would go in waste and no one will support me at this moment.
I looked up at Shahveer who was already staring at me. The difference between our looks were, his eyes were guilty while mine were filled with disgust and anger.
"Listen, I tried to convince him but he has already made his mind. I couldn't change his mind." He tried to clarify
"I never asked you to talk to him." I snapped at him
"I only wanted your happiness."
" Oh please, stop with this drama. I can't digest so much kindness. We both know your real face so stop pretending. You would be the last person I would need help from." I was about to leave when his voice stopped me
"Alizeh, we all make mistakes but that one mistake doesn't make the person bad."
I turned around and walked up to him, leaving just few inches between us
"What you did was a sin. I don't think a sinner is forgiven that easily."
He was taken aback by my words but he was quick to compose himself
"If a sinner ask forgiveness with clean heart and is really ashamed and really regret what he did, Even Allah would forgive him because of his repentance."
I was surprised by his words that I couldn't think of anything to say back. He took his keys and went out of the room while leaving me behind.

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