Chapter Thirty-Four - We Made the Bloody Best of It

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Lily's mother and father came to see her later that day. She and Jayla had been told to sleep for a little while. Lily enjoyed a refreshing nap and she woke up, still groggy, to find her parents sat either side of her bed, with Auntie Hermione and Uncle Ron next to them.

"Mum! Dad!" She exclaimed. Remembering the pain of sitting up, she remained in a lying position.

"Hello, Lily," Her father smiled. "I'm glad you're safe."

"What you and the boys did was reckless, brave and stupid," Ginny added, with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Mum," Lily said ashamedly, "We would have told someone, but we knew there was a Hogwarts accomplice and it could have been anyone, if they were imperiused," Lily looked imploringly at her parents.

"I'm not angry, Lils," Ginny said, stroking her daughter's hair affectionately. "I've already had this conversation with James and Al, your father would have done the same."

"We're going to ensure nothing like this ever happens again," Harry added, "Hogwarts and the ministry will be working together from now on. Background checks on everyone who's hired to work here and extra security measures for all students. We thought Hogwarts was safe..." Lily's father trailed off.

"Lily," Auntie Hermione said quietly, "As idiotic as what you did was, I'd like to say thank you for saving Rosie and Hugo."

"Don't be silly," Lily said, looking her Aunt in the eyes, "We had to help once we knew where they were. Like Mum said, you would have done the same."

"I have to say thank you as well, Lily," another voice said. Professor Vector was sweeping down the hospital wing, looking as regal as always. "I thought the reputation of the school was done for, that we would have to close. If anything this awful ever happens again, however, we would ask that you tell a member of staff."

"I'll do that, Professor," Lily smiled. She looked over at Jayla, who was still sleeping. The two of them had spent an hour chatting before they fell asleep. Jayla's mother was sat beside her daughter's bed, holding Jayla's hand.

"My best wishes and thanks to Jayla," Professor Vector bowed to Mrs Berryfield and swept back out of the room. Not long after, as Lily lay back on her pillows, Jayla began to stir. A smile stretched her face as she saw her mother in front of her.

"Mum," she croaked. Mrs Berryfield was crying as she looked at her daughter. Lily turned her head, not wanting to infringe upon their private moment.

"What curse was I actually hit with?" Lily asked, inwardly smacking herself for such a silly question.

"We aren't sure, but we know it's a favourite of the Death Eaters," Harry said.

"When I was sixteen it was used on me in the Department of Mysteries," Hermione reminisced. "I know the pain."

"We've decided that we're calling it Purpura Lucem," Ron said simply.

"It means Purple light in Latin," Hermione added.

"Excuse me," Jayla's mother said, "Minister?" Hermione turned to her.

"Hermione, please, Mrs Berryfield."

"Cadreliese, please. Just a question, you did recover fully from this curse, didn't you?" Mrs Berryfield looked anxious.

"I did. I was out of bed within a week," Hermione smiled, "and fully recovered within two. Jayla and Lily will almost certainly be fine." The two women shared an understanding glance.

"When's term ending?" Lily asked, curiously.

"The train leaves next Friday night," Ginny said. "We decided it was safe, having almost quadrupled the security measures until then."

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