Chapter Fifteen - St. Mungo's

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"There's a pulse." Auntie Angelina sighed. Angelina was a healer at St. Mungo's and she was currently checking Hermione over. At her words, Rosie sank onto the floor, absolutely beside herself. Hugo was very pale, and had been forced into a chair by Ginny in case of fainting. Ron was holding Hermione's hand, stunned. Harry was still sweaty and shaky, even more so due to Hermione's predicament.

"OK," Angelina got up. "She will probably be alright, but I can't magically force her awake, it's not safe, so I'm going to send a message to St. Mungo's and get some healers to see to Hermione and Harry, but we need to be careful. This is going to get attention."

Rosie was still sobbing on the floor. Al and Dom went over to her. The former picked her up and set her on her feet, and the two led her into the living room. Grandma Weasley seemed very upset, fussing over everyone and making tea. Unbeknown to Lily, who was with Hugo, the rest of her cousins and family had retreated. James tapped her on the shoulder, and she and Hugo followed him into the living room. Rosie's crying calmed down a little, the noise muffled a little, as her head was buried in Al's chest. (A/N: They're cousins, so no, they won't end up together. Rosie has a boyfriend.)

 James was sat next to Lily, and Hugo was also beside her. Lily's mum was sitting beside Harry. He seemed physically well, but arguing with Ginny about whether or not to go to St. Mungo's. Ginny won, and the pair sat together in silence. Angelina was still in the kitchen, but the rest of the family, Vic, Molly and Fred, and all the other adults were sat in meaningful silence.

After what seemed like an eternity, there was a knock on the door. Grandma Weasley sprung up, clearly glad of something to do. Lily heard muffled conversation, and gathered that there were two healers at the door, as one of them addressed Angelina as 'Healer Weasley.' A moment later, Grandma Weasley was back.

"The healers say that Harry and Hermione's kids should come along." Grandma said, looking at Ron and Ginny. "You can all take a portkey, because of the exceptional circumstances, and they'd like to leave now."

The perfect Christmas only exists in fairy-tales, Lily thought to herself as they entered the kitchen. A harness had been attached to Hermione and she was attached to the female healer. Angelina, Rosie, Hugo, Lily, James, Albus, Harry, Ginny and Ron all squeezed around the portkey, which was a tea towel, the closest thing to hand. The large male healer looked at his watch.

"Three, two, one."

Lily felt a jerk in the back of her stomach, and suddenly she was spinning through oblivion. Before she knew it, she had fallen into a dark room.

"This is a back room of the hospital. We can't take Harry Potter and the unconscious minister through main reception, people will worry. There are two private rooms just outside this door." The female healer opened the door and allowed everyone to walk past her, except Ron, whom she asked to carry Hermione down the ward.

"OK, so Mr and Mrs Potter, please go with Healer Smethwck." The man gestured to Ginny and Harry, and they followed him down the ward. Ginny gave Lily a quick hug before she left. "And," the healer addressed James now, "If myself and Healer Weasley attend to Mrs Granger-Weasley, will you be alright to go up to the hospital cafe or the waiting room? We will send for you as soon as you can see your family." James nodded. Rosie had begun to cry quietly again, hiccuping. "Actually, on second thoughts. Healer Davis!" She called to a passing healer. "Not busy?" Healer Davis shook his head.

"No, not busy." He said, eyeing the children curiously.

"Right." The female healer said, business like. "Well, Davis, this is Miss Weasley," She indicated Rosie, "And her mother was found unconscious, around an hour ago. Please give Miss Weasley, her brother Hugo, and her cousins here something for shock." Lily could see James was about to protest, but Al poked him with his toe and he kept quiet.

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