Chapter Twenty-One - The Telling Conversation

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Things were quiet until the last Friday of term. Lily's friends had all been given the nod from their parents to stay with her family. Her understanding was that Oli's mother had visited her parents, as had George's family. Lily had completed all her homework for the term and all she had left was revision. With the weekend in front of them, lunch on that last day was a relaxed affair. Lily was sitting with Hugo and her other friends as per usual, opposite where James was sat with Eoin, Julian, and a group of fifth years Lily did not know. She was surprised that Amelia, James' girlfriend,  was not with them, but presumed she was with her friends further down the table. Lily's conversation with Jayla had naturally died down and the former was watching her loquacious oldest brother trying to impress his mates with jokes. James, who was facing the oak doors, suddenly froze as he spotted something Lily could not see. Lily stood up for a second as James excused himself from the group, apologising. The sight that met her eyes was Malfoy and his Slytherin cronies. Malfoy had his wand out, pointing at a girl who looked familiar to Lily. She had mousy-coloured wavy hair, and as she turned to face Lily, the latter noticed it was Amelia. A crowd of students had gathered, and as James stormed towards the scene. Lily ran up to join the crowd, and saw Amelia pointing her own wand at Malfoy as he screamed insults at her.

"You filthy mudblood! Now tell me, for the last time, before my friend here," Malfoy indicated a burly boy named Goyle, in sixth year, "destroys your pretty little face with a lot more than magic." Amelia, much to Lily's admiration, was completely standing her ground.

"You're a third year whose family has more money than sense." She said coolly. "You aren't powerful, Scorpius Malfoy. Just lacking in brains. Flipendo!" The last word caught the audience off-guard, and everyone except Malfoy, including his 'friends' ran backwards. Malfoy flew through the air and onto the floor. Amelia smirked at him.

"Maybe I'm a mudblood, but at least I'm not a death eater, like your parents." She said, "If you want to get to James, I suggest you don't pick on us girls!" Malfoy picked himself up off the floor, looking very embarrassed. Amelia walked towards him, weapon raised, "Because we will always win." Amelia turned her back and walked towards James. An applause broke out for her, and as Malfoy ran down to the dungeons, there was shouting and catcalling from the Hogwarts students. As James and his girlfriend walked back into the Great Hall, where the teachers were beginning to assemble, Lily caught the conversation.

"Well done, finally put that git in his place." James said, slinging an arm around her shoulder.

"He's trying to get to you, he wants revenge. And unless you're careful, he'll get it." Amelia said, wisely. "Didn't you say he went after Lily?" Lily began to listen more.

"Yes, he did." James said, looking furiously around at the door. "And Lily's great, but why did he go after her if he wants me? This is more than Scorpius and I. There's something else."

"Don't trouble your head." Amelia said soothingly. "It can't be more than just school fighting."

"If only you were write, Amelia. I think it can affect so much more." James put his head in his hands. Lily was curious, but Amelia asked her questions.

"What?" She asked, sharply. "What is it that you know, James?"

"I can't say, not here. But this is bigger than Hogwarts. This is the entire country, we're talking about. I'll tell you later, I promise." Lily's ears pricked up. What did James know? As she reached the table, Amelia reached up and kissed James. Lily looked away pointedly and went to sit with her friends. She didn't like to talk about things as important as this when the whole of the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables could hear. At the Leaving Dinner on Sunday, Lily remembered that she still hadn't told her friends. Professor Vector made her usual announcement, reminding them the time the train would be arriving and other information.

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