Chapter Ten - A Royally Strange Birthday

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Lily woke to a dark dorm on the morning of her birthday, the Third of October.  Sitting up, Lily found that at the end of her bed there was a pile of presents, with a note on top. Leaning forward to read the notes in the half light, Lily made out the hand written words in her cousin's neat writing.

Dear Lily, the note read,

I wanted to give these to you tonight like your dad said, but I'm tutoring someone so have them now.

Rosie x

P.S.  Happy Birthday!

Lily smiled at her cousin's thoughtfulness. As it was only five am, Lily quietly got ready and then appreciated full use of the bathroom. Living with five girls, she rarely got the showers to herself. Once she was dressed and had collected the books and supplies she would need for that day, Lily decided she would just read her books until her friends woke up. She settled down with Hogwarts: A History,  to pass the time.

At seven, Jayla and Deryn began to stir. Milly, Olivia and Iona quickly followed on and soon Lily's friends were rushing around her to get ready. Spying the presents, all of them wished her a rushed, "Happy Birthday" as they passed. Jayla handed Lily a present in blue paper, before hurrying off to the bathroom before Lily could even get out a 'Thank you.'

Jayla and Lily left together at ten past eight, and in the common room, Hugo was waiting with George and Oli.

"Hi girls. Happy birthday, Lily!" George said, smiling at them.

"Yeah, happy birthday little cousin," Hugo said, slinging his arms around Lily's shoulders.

"I'm older, Hugo." Lily reminded him, looking up at him.

"Ah, but I'm taller," Hugo winked, "And I can do this." He lifted Lily up and she shrieked, but quietly, so as not to wake anyone.

"OK, OK, point proven." Lily muttered as Hugo set her down again. "But I'm still older." Oli watched the two of them incredulously.

"You two are stranger than strange together." He said, smiling.

"I know." Jayla shook her head, "It's rather alarming sometimes." Hugo and Lily laughed.

"Come on, breakfast, I'm starving," Hugo said. "Beware Lily. The amount of people saying happy birthday will be unreal!"

"Even if your relatives are the only ones that know!" Jayla added and they all laughed as they left through the portrait hole.

Jayla and Hugo's prediction came true the moment Lily entered the Great Hall. Firstly she saw Vic, talking in furious French to her sister Dom.

"Non, Mini, je n'écrirai pas ta rédaction pour toi!" Vic hissed in french. She then saw Lily. 

Ah, Lily! Joyeux anniversaire! I mean," Vic shook her head as Lily stared. "Happy birthday!" Dom straightened up and said,

"Yeah, Happy birthday Lils! At least I can say it in the right language," She added, shooting a sideways glance at her sister, who shouted,

"Dominique j'en ai ras le bol de ton comportement immature!" Vic continued, in full scale rant mode now. Veela fire burned in both of the sister's eyes.

"That's not at all like Vic and Dom." Hugo mused. They're normally so good natured with one another."


James shouted a 'Happy 12th, sis!' down the table to Lily at breakfast, and Al and Rosie both wished her 'Many Happy Returns' as she ate her cereal and toast. Mid-morning, Lily also received good wishes from Professor Longbottom, and Louis, Lucy, Roxie, Fred and Molly had all sought her out by lunchtime. The latter also whispered, when she found Lily in the courtyard at break,

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