Dean Winchester X Demon!Reader

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Your POV:

Not gonna lie, this fucking wooden chair is getting real old, real quick. I tap my feet as I try to wiggle out of the ropes tying my wrists to this stupid thing. I can't even itch my nose. And it's all because those goddamn Winchesters found me AGAIN. Ya know, when I made my magical getaway by signing a deal with Crowley to let Dean out of hell for the umpteenth time since I've met him, I was hoping I wouldn't have to see these handsome little shits after going all black eyes. Hell, I didn't want to. I like not feeling anything, it's rather pleasant as opposed to the pain I felt after losing my sister. Just a little mistake, so sad. But god, it destroyed me. And then Dean died in my arms, and I realized that I had nothing if he wasn't here. Now, I'm a free woman albeit a demon woman. I can feel nothing and cause pain to those who try to take anything from me. My thoughts snap to the opening to this hellhole (pun intended), as I watch Dean and Sam walk in. Ha! He must not trust Dean alone with me, smart boy.

I cross my legs and smile wickedly at them, "Hello, boys. Couldn't just let me have my fun, could you?" Dean's eyes look pained, and Sammy looks stoic, but of course he's already done this before. "So, I'm genuinely curious, Sam-I-Am. Do you honestly know this'll work? I mean Dean-O at least had the Mark O' Cain so his human parts were a little protected. But what about the full fledge, black hearted demon you got sitting in front of you, hm?" I can't help how sarcastic my voice sounds, nor do I care. I see Sam's jaw twitch as he sets down the blood case, ignoring me. "Ooo, I see. My odds ain't that great. Oh well, what about you, Dean Bean? You cool with me dying for real this time?" The anger and remorse as his bright green eyes look at me confirm my beliefs, and I can't help but chuckle.

Suddenly, Dean rushes over to the needle Sam has prepared and stomps into the circle with me. "Y/n, I know there's still you in there. And I'll be damned if I let you go on like this." I pout a little and wink at him, causing him to swallow hard. "What is it, Dean? Is something wrong? Ooo, do you have a crush on me? Careful, ladies' man, you're starting to sound like you care a little more than friends for little ol' me," I say with a rueful smile, mentally prepping for the pain that's about to start as soon as that blood touches mine. He immediately stabs the needle in and I feel the burn pretty simultaneously. I grit my teeth and try to bite down on the grunts of pain as the fire spreads through my veins and makes my bones feel like shattering glass. A few final pants of pain and it finally subsides. I can't help but laugh at the brothers' worried gazes. I snap my eyes to black and I see their countenance change to a more disturbed one as I let out an unnatural growl, "When I get out of this FUCKING CHAIR, THEY WON'T BE ABLE TO IDENTIFY YOUR BODIES!" Sam then reaches in and stabs another holy stick into me, causing the insurmountable pain to pulse through my body once again. I can't help the demonic roars that escape me this time. As it begins to wain once again I feel the sweat rolling down my face, and with a normal voice I say, "Wow, boys. This might actually do me into a six foot hole." I weakly chuckle.


I dunno how long I've been sitting here, or how many shots they've gone through, but God, I feel like I'm REALLY dying. I keep fading in and out of consciousness, and my hands and knees won't stop shaking. Not to mention, my human emotions are returning. I can feel the grief and pain of my human self starting to pang through heavily, and I hate it. It won't be long now, either death or humanity was within a couple shots. Sammy walked out a little while ago. Dean looks at me with a heavy sadness, and it pains me to see it. Goddamn emotions. "Dean... Why can't you guys just.. Leave me alone? I wasn't gonna bother you two.." I gasp out exhausted. He walks into the circle with me once again, and I feel nervous, my heartbeat jacks up like an engine. His large hand tucks a piece of my h/c hair behind my ear, and his kelly greens glare right into my e/c orbs. "We need you back, Y/n. Things ain't been the same since you left, gorgeous." I feel that strong yearning for him once again, as I did when I was completely human. All of this pretentious flirting that leads nowhere, it pisses me off. God, so much feelings, ewwww.

I smirk up at him and lean into his hand, and he opens it cupping my cheek. "These emotions that the human me feels for you are making me very angry, Dean." He looks stunned, his full lips slightly agape. "Did you really not know? It was kinda obvious, dumdum."

He chuckles for the first time and gently pushes the needle in this time. The burning still hurts like a bitch. But suddenly, it completely stops. I feel everything. Every single bit of guilt, happiness, yearning, pain, I feel it all. And it makes my eyes water from the weight of it. Dean wipes the tears from my cheek gently with his thumb and holds up the flask of holy water. I see his wrist start to flick and close my eyes, waiting for the acid burn. But there's nothing except for feeling the water drip down my cheek.

Dean immediately cuts the ropes off and pulls me to his hard muscled chest. His hand keeps running through my hair, giving me a death hug in his strong arms. I grip his shirt tightly, realizing just how dark I had really become. "Y/n, stay with me. I thought you were gonna die," he keeps whispering into my hair and it makes me grip tighter. Dean suddenly cups my face, frantically looking into my eyes and face, I can see the desperation in them and it makes me lean forward and brush my lips against his. "Dean it's okay, I'm me," I say with a smile. His large hands slide down to my waist as he smashes his lips against mine. Our mouths move in a synchronized motion until my need for air forces me to pull away.

The little sliding door opens once again and I see Sam looking like he just needs to hug me and know I'm real as well. I move out of Dean's grip and rush over to Sammy. "I'm so so sorry, guys. I was so cold to you," I mutter as I grip him tightly. When we both separate they both look at me with wide smiles. There's my wayward boys.

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