Chapter 13

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As the girls made their way across the school and to the direction of the exit they started to play quite a lame game of 'My Favorite Thing Raven Done Was?'
When they had finally made it across the school and to the door they suddenly stooped. A tiled floor had appeared out of nowhere with engraved animals on it; Tigers, Snakes, Cheetahs, Jaguars, Lions, Pumas and Snow Leopards.    
"Since when have we had a tiled floor with animals on it?" Maddie questioned the others
"I have no idea! But what I do know is that it is some sort of test one tile could lead to victory while the other - I'd rather not think about," Briar said with a shiver "Well here goes nothing," She said aiming at a Puma just as her foot was about to press against the tile.  
"Stop!" Apple hollered.
"What?" Briar said just before her foot was about to touch the tile.
"Don't you see it's simple? All animals are grown cats except," She paused waiting for them to catch up "The snake," She concluded pointing to a couple of the tiles that had a snake on them.
"Oh, yeah! So what are we waiting for," Maddie said clapping her hands delighted. She stood on a carefully and for a suspenseful moment no none dared to move after a couple of seconds Maddie hopped from snake to snake with the others followed behind her.
When they had passed they all high fived one another.
"That was amazing," Cedar said happily.
"Something tells me Raven will be free in a..." But Apple never got to continue because what the saw outside their school had made them all silent very silent.
Where the village of Book End had been only yesterday was a destroyed dead looking area. As the girls scanned that village a stray child wondered around without her mother Mothers crying for their kids. And their she was, the Evil Queen causing more mayhem than ever. As mothers pleaded to have their children back she just shook her head with a smirk she also seemed to be turn enchanting objects into things I'd rather not discuss right now and you should thank me for that.
"Oh, if it isn't Apple White. How is every enchanted thing?" The Evil Queen said gathering her ever long dress as she made her way over to the four perplexed girls.
"You! You did this," Apple said accusingly pointing at the Evil Queen "But why how?"
"Wouldn't you do the same if you were forced to live out a destiny where you will be hated? You have to understand this is better for the land of Ever After plus you don't think you're Mother and Grimm could do it all on their own. Did you?" The Evil Queen replied grimly.
"Don't you dare talk bad about my Mother to me! She is amazing and you are just plain jealous," Apple cried.
"Jealous? Me jealous of her? The girl that got poisoned and was forced to marry your disgusting Father?" The Evil Queen said out raged she could think of such a thing.
Apple White felt as if she had shrunk to the size of Thumbelina herself. She tried not to look it so The Evil Queen couldn't think as though she had won.
"My friends and I will stop this all of this nonsense," She answers trying to sound more secure than she felt.
"Whatever after. Good luck with that," The Evil Queen replied flicking her hair though this attempt was useless seeing as though her hair had been jelled stiff.
Apple ran away her friends following tears had escaped her eyes by that stage and were pouring down her perfectly rosy cheeks. Briar tried to comfort her with the help of Cedar and Maddie but it was less successful than one might have hoped.

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