Chapter 16

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Briar looked up at the others they looked quite triumphed after the last incident which made Briar uncomfortable. What if Raven was going to something big while they all thought that they had won?
As she nervously walked at the end of the line she had to make the effort to dodge seven spider webs and eight suspicious looking floorboards.
After about entering six more rooms – and yes she counted; never know which room might be the end – Briar herself started to feel more relaxed maybe this was it. It wasn't till the second room when things got pretty complicated.
As soon as all of them were in that haunting room the doors slammed shut.
"Oh, no," Apple cried clutching her body tightly.
They all very well knew what this meant. And they also knew that it was not very good either.
Just as they had predicted; a mirror emerged out of the same purple swirl as last time. Only this time they had a feeling they knew what would come next.
"Hello again, so god to see you – not. Anyway it seems as though you ave made it pretty far but I've had quite enough," Raven declared then simply than vanished as quickly as it had come.
All the girls huddled together none wanting to move another step.
"We've done are part haven't we maybe it's time we retreat," Maddie said quite suddenly grasping tighter to Cedar.
"No!" Apple replied firmly.
"No?" The other three chorused together.  
"This is what the Evil Queen wanted all along for us to lose hope for her to gain power! We need to save Raven and banish her far, far away," Apple cried determinedly slamming her fist into her open palm.
"That's a really good idea – to feed on others fear I mean," Cedar said thoughtfully.
Apple sighed deeply than let go of Briar's ever squeezing hands and taking a step, it seemed as though no one had breathed in the suspenseful time. Then just to Briar's dismay a spinning wheel appeared.
"Well that's not bad let's go. Remember do not touch the wheel," Apple said dodging it and heading out the room.
The other girls followed keeping an eye out for Briar but when she did pass her mind seemed to be taken over she had to touch the glass. It was her destiny ever after all; you see she was one of the few who had the chance to sign the Story Book of legends.
She always grew scared whenever anyone brought up destiny; seeing as she had to sleep for a hundred years it only reminded her that while her friends were out having fun she would be snoozing until the end of time it would seem like.
Her body was attracting somehow to the spinning wheel of doom her steps becoming closer and closer to her storybook nemesis.
"Briar, stop!" Apple cried desperately.
But it was no use nothing could convince Briar to tear her eyes away from it. Apple tried pulling her to a halt but that was also useless. Fate is stronger than anytime of magic including friendship.
Briar's finger was practically millimeters away from destruction and it was too late for anyone to stop her.
Suddenly Briar's eyes lids felt heavy as if no strength in her could force them open she fell desperately.
"No, this can't be happening. Briar get up!" Apple urged.
Only a soft snore escaped the mouth of the sleeping beauty. Apple dug her face into Briar her face covered in tears; would she ever see her best friend forever after again?
Everything blurred as she thought of the time Briar had saved her only earlier today and merely wishing she could do the same.
Suddenly Holly appeared out of the corner of the room "I'll take care of her destroy the book now so no more is damaged," she ordered.
"Okay," Apple said between sniffles she slowly got up and through the door "Thanks Holly,"
Holly smiled it felt nice to be appreciated for once.

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