Chapter 8

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"I am Holly O'Hair daughter of Rapunzel and I am ready to pledge my destiny." A key appeared and fell into her palm as she confidently turned the key pictures of what would happen to her showed up as the pages turned them then a quill appeared Holly took it and signed. Cheers arose from the crowd as she exited the stage.
"And next Apple White,"
Apple followed the same procedure as Holly, followed by that it was Briars
The Evil Queen walked up the stairs for the second time in her life this time she was determined that she was not going to end up in mirror prison.
"I am Raven Queen daughter of the  hextremly evil, Evil Queen and I pledge to follow in the footsteps of my mother the Evil Queen," The key fell into her palm she turned it in the lock pictures of Ravens future filled the pages. Then the quill appeared she begun to sign but before she finished off the 'Queen' part she allowed Raven to return to her true body.
What in ever after am I doing? Why am I signing the book Legacy Day is still two days away. Thinking this was a dream Raven continued signing who knows maybe this will answer her question about what might happen if she signs. What she didn't know was that this was real and she might just be making the biggest mistake in her whole entire life.
Suddenly magic flooded inside the innocent teens body evil filled her mind once again.
The entire crowd gasped. Havoc was the word to describe what happened next; magic blasted from Ravens hand as the crowd bounded out of their seats running in all directions.
"We need to calm down-" cried the Headmasters voice though no one seemed to be listening "No you're right run!"
People fled back into the school and out the door – except for three students they stood frozen staring at Raven.
Apple, Cedar and Maddie looked up at her. Maddie's eye flooded with tears as she looked at her former best friend, Cedars reaction was similar to Maddie's neither one could believe what was right in front of them.
"Raven this isn't you, you would never do this to us," Apple cried desperately.
"Isn't this what you always wanted Apple, for me to be evil so you could get your precious little happily ever after?"  Raven barked back at her.
"It's what I thought I wanted but now I can see where I have made a mistake," Apple said.
Raven aimed her finger at Apple magic begun to leap of it making its way to Apple shrieked in fear covering her eyes with her shivering hands.  Suddenly someone had jumped on her making her tumble to the ground.
"Quick we have to go," Briar yelled as she scrambled to her feet then grabbing Apple, Cedar and Maddie sprinting into the school.
"Thanks," Apple said trembling all over as flash back quickly appeared in her; falling down a well arms failing thinking she would be trapped forever after.
"No worries, but what were you doing just standing there?!" Briar scolded.
"Sorry but after looking for what happened to Bella and Brutta I know Raven! She would never do that!" Apple insisted. Maddie and Cedar nodded in agreement.
"And don't think you'll ever see that Raven again. She doesn't have control anymore. But Raven has been doing this for the past two days," Briar pointed out.
Briar had made a brilliant point no one knows that the past two days Raven was controlled by her Mother.
Wait what did you say narrator?
She was controlled by her Mother!?
Maddie you know you're not supposed to talk to me remember!
Was her Mother the one that put the curse on me?
Yes – no?
"Guys I know why Raven was acting all strange lately; her mother had control over her body – or something," Maddie said enthusiastically.
"I cannot tell a lie, but that's just dumb," Cedar said then covered her mouth quickly. "Sorry,"
"The Narrator said so," Maddie hexclaimed folding her arms.
"The Narrator huh," Briar said with a raised eyebrow usually she wasn't so tight headed - mostly because she was usually asleep but when she was awake she usually wasn't so...
"It's the most realistic answer-from a friend," Apple said with a shrug.
"Well if it was what we would do," Cedar challenged.
"Well, think about it; if we are magically bound to follow our destiny if we sign the Story book of legends then to free ourselves all we need to do is destroy it!"  Apple pointed out. "And even if it was the Evil Queen or not, Raven would be free! And all the magic that goes with it will be undone!"
"If you're so sure than why not, how hard can it be?  Plus I never wanted to sleep for a hundred years anyway," Briar replied with a smile sticking out her hand and looking at the others. They were all shocked by her change of attitude that it took a while for them to react.
"For Raven!" Maddie cried sticking her hand and placing it on top of Briar's.
"For Raven!" Apple and Cedar said at the same time placing their hands on top.

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