Chapter 27: twitcam

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@lewis: i suddenly have a wonderful idea

@niall: is it leaving us

@lewis: u do it all the time now shut the fuck up and let me speak

@niall: incorrect. that's zayn

@Harry_Styles: what is it, boo ?

@lewis: you should do a twitcam so i can see your bootyful face :))

@Harry_Styles: are you saying my face looks like a booty

@lewis: i love booty

@Harry_Styles: i am flattered

@Harry_Styles: and why a twitcam when we could just facetime ?

@lewis: i want to be different

@niall: u already are

@lewis: will you just shut the fuck up for 30 seconds

@niall: don't steal gordon's insults

@lewis: oh sorry . i didn't mean to steal from ur daddy

@Harry_Styles: so when shall i do this twitcam ?

@lewis: now

@lewis: i'm needy

@Harry_Styles: okay but let me prep myself first

@lewis: ...

@niall: keep ur filthy gay mouth shut bitch

@lewis: i feel insulted

@Harry_Styles: okay (: im ready


"Holy shit, Jesus Christ, God almighty, save me Lord for I have sinned."

My eyes widened at Louis' words when he joined the twitcam. "What's wrong? Is my hair greasy? I just showered this morning... Is this shade of pink too dark? I told Niall I wanted lighter..."

"You look perfect, darling. There's not a moment when you don't." Louis smiled at me through the screen, my heart warming at his compliment.

Niall gagged from the chair next to me while his eyes skimmed through a golf magazine. "Get a room."

"Bitch, I'm like three hours away. The only person who should be saying that is me to you. Now stay away from my Har Bear." Louis threatened, narrowing his eyes. No matter how hard that boy tried, he could never look intimidating.

"Aw, you're so cute when you're pissed off." I cooed, giving him a wide smile.

He flipped me off. "Fuck off. Fear me."

"I could never."

My front door suddenly opened and in walked a mystery.

"Hey, Zayn." Niall greeted, smiling slightly at him. He's been acting strange around him lately...

"Don't talk to me. I'm only here to grab a condom." We all gave him an incredulous look. "Gigi is getting clingy and I was positive you would have some laying around. I knew Niall wouldn't, his love life barely exists so why the need?"

"Okay, I get it. Go grab all the sex toys you desire and leave like you always do." Niall glared, crossing his arms over his chest and sinking low in the chair. "Love life barely exists, my ass." He muttered under his breath.

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