"It says your name on your chart," the girl explains. "My name is Maya."

"Where are my friends? What chart? Where the hell am I?" Question after question spewed from the redheads mouth. She was desperate for some answers. She deserved them.

"Your friends are perfectly fine," Maya says, smiling softly. "Your chart is just filled with the injuries you have experienced on the ground and we have taken care of so they don't get worse."

"Is that so?" Grace asks, her eyes searching the girl for any telltale sign that she was lying to her. "Where am I, then?"

"Well, you're in quarantine," seeing Grace's confused expression, Maya explains further. "Our immune systems are very low here. So, when we brought you into the mountain, we had to bring all of you to quarantine to make sure you did not bring anything with you that could harm us."

Grace's brows furrow slightly, her arms crossing over her chest. All? How many people had they found? Was she referring to Mount Weather? Was that where they were? And how the hell had they survived?

"I'm sorry I can't answer all of your questions right now. They should all be answered in the briefing, anyways. I can bring you to your friends now, if you would like."

Grace steps forward wearily, peering past Maya to see that Harper was still standing in front of the door. She watches the two with a fearful expression on her face. "What about Harper? What will happen to her? Can she come with us?"

"I'm sorry," Maya frowns. "She's not cleared yet."

Grace frowns, her eyes never leaving her blonde friend across the room from her. She sends her a small nod, pressing her lips into a firm line. "How much longer will she be in here?"

"It shouldn't be another fifteen-twenty minutes," Maya informs her. Grace nods, stepping away from Maya again.

"Then I will wait for her," Grace says, her voice firm. There was no way in hell she was going to leave Harper on her own, not like this. Not when Grace didn't know exactly where they were or what would happen to the girl if she left her here.

"Grace," Maya says quietly. "I can't do that."

"You can't or you won't?" Grace asks, catching Maya's eye. "I can't leave her here. I can wait."

Maya nods her head at the redhead, deciding to just go with it. "Okay. Fine, I guess I will be back again soon," Maya's gaze drifts to Grace's bloodied and bruised hands, then the stitches on her wrists. "I can bring you some pain relief pills as well, if you would like."

Grace tenses. "I'm fine."

"Right," Maya says, then nods her head. "Well, I will bring them to the dorm with the others once we finish up here. Just in case."

Grace nods her head at the girl, watching her curiously. Maya moves to pull her helmet back on, then pauses and stops for a moment. "You're safe here. I promise."

And then she pulls the helmet over her head and leaves the room.

Maya had told her the truth about Harper's release time. It was approximately twenty minutes when Harper was stepping out of her own room, and Maya was opening Grace's door so they could both go together.

SAVIOUR, BELLAMY BLAKE ( 1 )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora