Another Town

232 18 9

                 I sighed as i watched the roads, covered with thousand vehicles on it. The green light starts to replace the red, but none of us moved.

My phone ringed, a sign of incoming new message.

"Don't forget to buy something for me"

Zilong's message succeed to make me smile in the middle of traffic jam.

"Sure thing, but i only can buy you a sugar : )"


"Because it's sweet, just like you <3"

"Is that a pick up line?"

"What do you think?"

"An outdated pick up line"

"That's mean"

"Anyway, i'm going to sleep now. So, i'll chat you again tomorrow, be careful"

"Alright, sleep well, don't forget to dream about me : ) <3 See ya"

"Uh, no, i might woke up and can't sleep again"

"There you go again"

"Good Night"

I closed our chat and stares to the window again, doing nothing but just watching these cars slowly moving.

After 2 hours sitting, finally we're arrived at the station. Lucky, i still have 15 minutes before the train leaves. I paid the driver and rushes to the waiting seats.

This time, this station is really crowded. I can't even find an empty seat, which means i have to stand for 15 minutes while carrying this bag.


I took a deep breath, 15 minutes has passed. The train quickly arrives, as the announcer spoke. Everyone who waited on the seat goes inside the train, so do i.

As usual, i sit near the train's window. I put the both earphone on my ear then plays the music. Few minutes later, the train started to go.

I closed both of my eyes as the train goes faster and the music goes louder.


"Sir, wake up"

Someone shaked my shoulder, i opened my eyes and quickly removes the earphone. "Thank you for waking me up" i took my bag and left.

While leaving the station, i looked at my wristwatch. It's already 11 PM here, but since the hotel that my office reserved for me is pretty near from the station, i decided to walk.

I went inside my hotel room and throws myself on it's comfy bed. My right hand reaches a little note on the end table. I typed the wifi password on my phone then used the free wifi.

I wanted to send Zilong a short message to inform him that i have arrived, but since there's no longer incoming message from him, i guess he already fall asleep.

So, i just looked at the meeting schedule for tomorrow.


My phone rings loudly, i slowly opened my eyes and reaches for my phone.

"Yes, Zilong?"

"Morning. Don't forget to eat your breakfast, and most importantly, don't sleep again"

I sighed, the call ended in 9 seconds. He usually calls me like that, no, it's not usually, but ALWAYS.

Shortly after i took bath and brushed my teeth, i went to the first floor to enjoy the breakfast. While eating, i'm also having a chat with Zilong.

I only have 23% battery left because i forgot to charge the phone yesterday, damn it. I have to end our chat for a while.

"I'm so sorry, i have to charge my phone, ttyl <3"

"Ok" he replied shortly, then i turned off the phone and goes back to my room.

I plugged in the charger then put the phone on the end table.


I took my laptop and turned it on.

I looked at the digital clock on the bottom right side of the desktop. It's already 10 AM. The meeting will start around 3 hours from now, while waiting i opened a video call application in order to have a video call with Zilong.

But... He might be having a rest right now, i don't want to disturb him... So, i closed the app and browsed my social media, looking at our photos.

We've been knowing each other since a long time ago, since we're both studying in the same university. At first, he seem hate me because i always copied his homework, no matter what. But, he turned to like me, because i became his 'driver' everyday.

Then, we worked in the same office. We're in relationship since we worked together. Even our house is also in relationship, really near. I live next to his house.

A year later, he started to become ill. So, he retired and usually stays at his house, or even my house, or even hospital. He never told me how does having leukemia feels like, but sometimes i can sense he's really in pain.

His illness is getting worse, he often got hospitalized, and slowly started to think about death, but i always try to give him a will to live. I always sit next to him, he seems start to forget about death now.

I really wish icould replace him.    

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