|| C h a p t e r 9 ||

Start from the beginning

  "We can't tell him about Kishan and Duana," I said, standing on the tips of my toes in order for them to hear me. "He'll probably just kill them anyway." Caspian turned around and rubbed the bridge of his nose, exhaling deeply.

  "I don't like keeping this from him," Caspian said honestly, casting betrayed looks at the pair behind us. "But you're right Damakos. He'll kill them." Kaden frowned, eyes uncertain.

  "I mean," He started, glancing back at Kishan and Duana who were in conversation. "Telling him might not be so bad. He might put them in jail instead." Caspian shook her head, the motion sharp.

  "He'll kill them instantly and you know that Kaden," Caspian argued flatly. Kaden nodded sadly, running a hand through his bronzed hair.

  "Fine," He grudgingly agreed. "Whatever, it's not like they don't deserve it." I looked at Kaden and rubbed his arm soothingly.

  "I know that you're still heartbroken Kaden," I sighed. "So am I," I turned back to face Kishan and Duana who seemed to be now standing quietly, looking at the ground as they waited for us. "But let's try to give them a second chance." I feel horrible keeping such a huge secret from the Resilient Leader. I just hope it ends up being worth it.

  Duana and Kishan stepped aside in the narrow corridor as we stepped in first, the boys bowing, and I, curtsying. Duana and Kishan's feet brushed against the moss as they too bowed and curtsied.

  "It's good to see all of you alive and well," The Resilient Leader greeted. "How was the mission in the Royaume Kingdom?" Kaden stepped forward with no argument from Caspian.

  "The Royaume King was nowhere to be found when we arrived," Kaden saw me walk forward slightly and stepped back for me to say my part of the report.

  "It was then we realised that the King is in my Kingdom and it's currently under attack," I frowned, stepping back, head hanging low.

  "What!" The Resilient Leader's head snapped up, female guard beside him looking like she was  about to faint. "It's under attack already?"

  "We," Duana's voice was meek compared to everyone else's in the room. It had definitely lost its confidence. "We need a new plan to take down the Royaume King." Caspian nodded.

  "We actually already thought of one," He said, sharing a glance with Kaden and I.

 "Well, what is it?"

  "Duana, Kishan," I started, before Kaden or Caspian could begin to fill the Resilient Leader in. "Why don't you guys greet the others? I'm sure they're dying for an update." Duana nodded excitedly, Kishan doing the same.

  "Sure! It'll be fun!" Together she and Kishan walked out of the room at their usual pace, chattering as if nothing ever happened. Although my stunt didn't seem to miss the Resilient Leader's eye.

  "What was that about?" He asked in confusion, his eyebrow raised, fingers resting on his chin as he tried to decipher it.

  "Archer, Tess and Jason pretty much bombarded us when we arrived," Caspian lied fluidly. "Since we don't have much time, we might as well greet them and plan our next move at the same time." The Resilient Leader's eyes narrowed.

  "Alright then," He began with some levels of skepticism. "Carry on. What's the plan?"

  We're about to go to War. I was standing atop a grassy hill, Kaden by my side, his usual Resilient Warrior clothing changed for battle. He had a silver chest plate which had emeralds imbedded into the top, running down his back in the shape of the Resilient Relic. He wore silvered pants and had silver boots to complete everything, a sword strapped to his hip. He held his helmet by his side and gave the Resilient Warriors a satisfied look as they took, donned their amour. I looked at Caspian, his armour made from Silver too. He wore the Resilient shaped armour although he had swirls on his back with purple mixed with green to identify him in battle. I wore the same armour as Caspian although mine had blue and purple, the colour of my eyes. I wore a Katana at my belt, hands running over the small button which had been created for me so my Katana would become double handled. Apparently it was safer that way. Kaden and Caspian stepped back, allowing me my moment.

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