Peeping Tom

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I wake up and look at the date. It's been two weeks since I've last seen Alekzander and it's been the most boring two weeks of my life. After he left, I checked on my roommate who had no memory of Alek or anything from that morning.
I sigh and get out of my bed, ready to take a long shower. I turn on the water and put my shower head on pulsate, wanting to relieve some tension, if you catch my drift.
I remove my clothes and get it. Almost immediately, I remove the shower head and let the warm water beat down on my pussy. I lifted one leg up on the edge of the tub and let the water go to town on my clit. Throwing my head back, I move one of my hands down there and start to rub myself. My chest starts to move up and down repeatedly as I almost reach my climax when out of nowhere, I hear a deep moan from the other side of my glass shower door. I freeze and quickly try to move, but it's like my body wasn't listening to my brain. The glass door opens and low and behold, Alekzander was standing there with a smoldering look on his face.
"Keep going, kitten, let me watch you cum," he says while staring at the shower head next to my pussy.
"Hell no!" I say with a red face. Damn he is looking really good right now... NO! He's not I mentally yell at my other voice.
Alekzander lifts his hand and snaps his fingers and the water from the shower head beats down even faster. I gasp and lay my head down on the shower wall and try to escape the pleasurable sensation, but it doesn't work.
"G-get out of my house," I say in between moans. All he did was smile and sit on the edge of the tub next to my foot.
"You don't really mean that, kitten. I can hear your thoughts, remember?" He says while stroking my leg.
"All you have to do is call me Daddy and I'll stop," he looked up at me and my nipple got hard.
Did I honestly want him to stop?
"You don't because you want me to watch you cum. You want to be a naughty little kitten and let Daddy see you in the position."
He gets up and puts the shower head back on the stand and in a blink, his clothes are off. He stood in all his glory and I was, against my better judgement, enjoying it. His physique put Olympic medalist to shame. His smith yet sculpted muscles begged me to touch them and his gorgeous V-line wanted me to drip melted chocolate on it and lick it. I watched as a single water droplet move from his chest all the way down to his-
"OH HELL NO!" I scream and try to get out the shower, but his muscular arms stop me, sending waves of pleasure down my body.
"THE HELL IS THAT THING?! That is NOT going near me!" I yell, trying to run away.
"Kitten, stop pretending to be innocent. You've touched this in your dreams several times," he said racing down and stroking the monster.
I was mesmerized. I stopped struggling and just watched him touch himself.
"You like this, kitten? You like watching Daddy stroke his dick?"
Subconsciously, I reach my hand out and slowly touch the throbbing veins.
The spell was broken when I heard him cuss out loud.
I jumped out that shower so quick, Usain Bolt would've been jealous.
I grab a towel and wrap it around me, while having my back to the wall. He's not sneaking up on me...
I heard him chuckle. The sound of clothes rustling made me want to turn around, but I ignored the temptation.
"Please tell me what you're doing here in MY house?" I say with my face facing the wall.
What did the guy do in his past life to get a body like that? Save a freaking country??
"How about I explain all of this over breakfast?" I hear his voice next to me. I yelp and turn seeing his face right next to mine. I didn't even hear him walk next to me. In my shock, Alekzander kissed the corner of my mouth, once again, sending pleasure down my body.
I look at him in shock before snapping out of it. "You promise you'll tell me what's going on?"
"Scout's honor baby girl," he says while winking at me.
Oohhh I love being called that. My inner hoe said to me.
"Then I'll call you that more, baby girl," Alekzander said while grabbing my hips. Those dang tingles went up and down my body once again. I'll have to ask him about those too.
"Go get dressed, sexy and I'll take you out." In a blink, he disappeared.
I look around and wave my hands in the area where he was just standing, but he was seriously gone.
Where did he go?
"I'm in the kitchen, babe! Hurry up and get dressed 'cuz a brotha hungry!" I hear him say from a distance. "And where those red panties with the bow in the front! Those are my favorite!"
I know this wigga did not just-
I just grab the bridge of my nose and breathe deeply. This man is getting on my nerves.
Oh well, I just want some answers... and a little breakfast wouldn't hurt either.
Word count: 932

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