Keep Your Friends Close...

Start from the beginning

"Yes Papa, but what is his name?"

The Father looked down at his child for a moment, pondering, and then looked down at the thing, catching its blank stare. "Not him, It. We call it a Talon, Timmy. They are an extension of us -the Owls- a tool built only for our use. Ours to command. They exist only for us."

The boy turned from his Father to watch the caged boy again. "Hello Talon, my name is Timmy. Nice to meet you!" he greeted, smiling brightly.

The Talon inside tilted his head like a dog. It was confusing. What was it supposed to do? Was that a command? It shifted in the cage, sitting comfortably on its legs and spoke softly.


~Flashback End~


"Robin, you alright? You kind of zoned out there for a minute."

A hand waved in front of his face, jolting him from the memory, "Huh? Yeah, I'm fine, just thinking about the hero. Sorry." Robin turned to face his teammate, rubbing his arm.

"It's alright. Batman just called us to the med-bay, the guy finally woke up." Superboy spoke, casually pointing behind him to their friends retreating forms.

"Really!? That's great! I'll be there in a few seconds, I need to turn off these cameras first." Robin replied as he excitedly typed away on the keyboard.

"Okay, I'll see you there then," Superboy answered, clapping Robin on the back, causing him to jump forward a bit.

Robin listened to the sound of Superboy's footsteps fade down the corridor. It was time to get some answers. He shut down the computer and walked down the hall to the med-bay. Hopefully, he was wrong about the guy and this was all a big coincidence. Hopefully.


"So you're the hero of Bludhaven?" Batman's voice cut through the silence. He walked forward and stopped a few feet from the bed, crossing his arms over his chest.

Nightwing stiffened at Batman's approach and quickly nodded at the man. He was even more intimidating now that Dick wasn't worrying about being attacked.

"You're going to need to answer a few questions for us before you're allowed to leave," Batman explained, not leaving any room for objection. Dick nodded to Batman, letting the man know that he understood. It's not like he'd even be able to object if he wanted to.

Nightwing watched Batman carefully as he moved to remove the metal cuff on his wrist. He kept his eyes glued to the man, and he -Batman- did the same. Dick could only guess as to what the man was thinking about. Maybe the old Bat was trying to figure out his ID? He really hoped that Batman didn't recognize him. That would not end well. At all.

Dick briefly took his eyes off Batman and looked to the doorway where the mini-league stood. They were watching him with weary eyes and by the glare that was being thrown his way, he could tell that the clone was mad. Dick ignored the glare and focused his attention back onto his arm. Batman was slowly slipping the cuff off, still watching him. It made Nightwing tense -the weird look he was being given. Had he been recognized that easily?

Batman stood up silently and rested his hand on Nightwing's shoulder. Dick felt his muscles tense up, and his instincts were screaming at him to attack. To escape. To eliminate the target. He bit into his lip, forcing himself to relax. Nightwing needed to remain calm and keep a cool head. Nightwing had no reason to fear the Bat. 'But Talon did.' But Talon was dead, at least, that's what he kept telling himself.

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