Chapter 2

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"Ms. L/N you are late. Not a good way to start off an senior year" Ms. Lang said as she shook her head in disappointment. " But it's November" I answered back. " Yeah but I know you. You never be late for 1st period"

" But it's only one time though. It's not the end of the world" I rolled my eyes and everyone snickers at my comment. " I'm tired of your sass young lady. Meet me after school for detention" She said. Before I say anything, I decided to stop talking and take my seat next to Mia.

" What was that about in first period class" Mia asked as we go through the line to get our lunch. " My mind is all over the place that is all. And I just took it out on the teacher for some reason" I sighed.

" Jeez hangout with Suga was the worst huh"

" Tell me about it. Since he have a crush on me, he expect that I should like him back"

" But why do you think that"

" Well he did say that I'm playing with his heart and the longer I resist him the more I will regret losing him" We both sit down while we started eating lunch. " Well can I be honest with you" Mia stare at me with such seriousness. " What is wrong with Suga. He really likes you like your the luckiest girl in the whole school to be noticed by him. And you let him touch you a lot"

" sighed .... I was noticed by him and his friends because we went to the same middle school. Suga was like my childhood friend and that is what I'm only going to see him as" I started eat my salad frowning up my face as I look at him across the lunchroom talking to the guys.

" I mean there gotta be something that you like about him at least"

" It's not that I completely hate him, he is my friend after all but now he thinks about himself and I just don't like it."

" Okay" She smiles and look down at her plate like she is hiding something but I want to know what is it. " Mia..." I look at her and she just smiles.
At Detention
I walked into the classroom and there was only one kid. By look of it from it he has a an advance class badge on his chest. Which makes him a big deal in school and when I say school I mean the teachers. They are nothing besides a teacher pet which bring it to a question why is he in detention?

I sit on the same row with him which was the first row because I believe there is no one coming to detention. Ms. Lang enter the classroom and have her arms crossed. " Okay since you are here after school to our wonderful detention room. You get to write an essay about what you did."

I sighed at the loose leaf that she gave us. " I want it done by 5 o'clock got it" She point at the clock on the top of the chalkboard and she shortly left the classroom.

Then there was two in the room that was left . " So dude how did you end up in the dungeon" I smiled and face him as he is a few seats away from me. " Does it matter to you anyway"

" Well to be honest with you. No it doesn't matter but I'm trying to start a conversation but you are making this difficult" I giggled. "... I got in this place because I was late and I kinda talk back to the teacher because of it" then my laugh dies down.

" What about you" I look at him and he gave me eye contact for a minute. " I sprayed painted in the boys locker room" he speaks up. " Wow what a rebel. Bring it to a good question why did you do it"

" My friends dare me to. They thought I wasn't going to do it, so I prove them, wrong"

" As you should, the name is Y/N and your name is..."

" Damien Clearwater"

" Great nice to meet you" I smile.
Thank you guys for giving this story a chance. Enjoy the two chapters you guys

An nyeong !!


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