If You're Confused

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Heres some Need To Knows about this story

There are laws,of course,but they're not quite like Earth laws. 

3rd-5th Grade: Doublin's School For The Early Deceased[Elementary]6th- 8th Grade: Doublin's School For The Young Adults[Jr High]

9th-12th Grade: Doublin's School For Mature Young Adults[High School]


OverDeath= Sophmore

UponAwakining= Juinor


Once you make enough money,you can rent a apartment,or house,whatever pleases you. 

To start working you have to be 11,and to legally drink,you have to be thirteen. Well to legally do anything you have to be thirteen. Things like own a car,or smoke. It's pretty much like being an adult. 

Drugs are still outlawed.

The effects of ghosts:

They cannot go through walls 

They can however not be seen by humans (but they are not allowed to travel to earth so this is useless.)

The escaped students are the ones who ''Haunt''

Questions to answer:

The younger students live with there teachers until they can find work,at the age of twelve they are kicked out.

The cemetary is not a world,but somewhat of a town.

 People under third grade who died get directly sent to heavan.

People over 18 and died have to take a test to get in.

The class courses are the core classes,but there is a second history class.

It is your history,nt state history.

You observe your history until you can find whats keeping you at the school.

You can then go then graduate from highschool and continue on to Heaven. 

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