Simply Waiting (Destiny POV)

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I was waiting for them to get back from detention,they should be here soon,because it was was 7:07pm. My other good friend was borrowing my car that day,so they had to walk home.

I couldn't think of anything to do alone. I went from cleaning the apartment,to painting my toes,to singing into my flip flop. In the midst of doing a duet with myself, I heard a knock on the door. Why would she have to knock? She has a key. Oh God,she probably lost it again. She's so irresponsible! I rolled my eyes and opened the door slightly. ''Password?",I asked. Breanna smiled,''Uh,please?'' ''OPEN THE DAMN DOOR.',demanded Nathan. ''Goshhh. Someones a Grumpy Gertrude.'' Opening the door,I held in a laugh,he was too fun to mess with. Breanna ran to the baby blue bean bag chair,are only peice of furniture since we just moved in a few weeks ago, and plopped into it. ''Ahhhhhh'',she said relieved,''Good to be home." Nathan looked annoyed. ''Where the hell do I sit?" Breanna patted her thighs,''How 'bout here?'' she giggled. He smiled,finally and sat on her lap. Having these idiots as friends was always fun. 

''So how was it?'' Breanna lifted up her head,and squinched up her face,as though she was in deep thought. ''Welllllllllll.'' Nathan's hand quickly shot up and cupped over her mouth. ''Shutup!!'' he yells.

All I could hear from Bre was muffled words and laughter. ''Imph ona lick youf!'' I crooked my head. What didn't he want me to know? My thoughts were interupted by the sounds of  Nathan screaming and Breanna crying with tears of laugher. ''Tell me!!'' I demanded. Nathan shook his head and sat down,red faced. ''Whatever,tell her.'' 

Breanna squealed with glee. ''So Destiny,we were sitting in detention,bored and we were passing notes-laughs- and so Nathan decided to start talking about how cute Shyanne was-sniffles- and instead of throwing it to me-AHAHAHAHA,he throws it at Shyanne!!'' I looked at her like she was stupid,Nathan doesnt have shame,what's so embarrasing about this? ''NO BUT WAIT. Here's the best part. He didn't want her to read it,so he stands up,runs across the room,and pulls the note out of Shyanne's hand.And,if this isn't enough,he falls on his face,tries to get back up,and lands in some guys lap!!'' 

Oh God this was amazing. I bursted into laughter with Breanna,while Nathan sat on the bean bag and moped. ''My mouth touched his junk.'' He mumbled. Breanna and I were crying and laughing and I nearly pissed myself!! I guess Breanna was going to,too so she ran to the only restroom in the apartment.''NOOO!'',I yelled. She had already locked herself in,though. I knocked on the door,''HURRY UP!! I GOTTA PEE!!'' She said she couldn't rush things like this. In anger I crossed my legs and waited for what seemed like forever. ''There.'' she said when she came out. I ran in that restroom faster then I ever have. Oh I love my friends,even if they are morons.

A Spirits Worldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें