Fun In The Cafeteria (Breanna's POV)

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I couldn't stop staring at him...after all,he was beautiful. Damn. This white boy is fine. An odd thought for me,because I'm usually into hispanics. But I mean,damn. His skin was sunkissed and his lips were kissable. Mm. Him and Destiny seemed to be getting along with small talk,so I stood up to throw away my tray. Not that I ate much in the first place. Who knew you'd still have to eat in the after life? Bleh. 

As I was walking back to my seat,I felt something behind me. Not knowing how to react, I just stood very still. Before I could even tell,I was suspended into the air!! I looked to see it was only Nathan,giving me a huge bear hug,nearly crushing my insides! Did I mention this kid overdosed on diet pills? So a twig was carrying me and crushing me. Sometimes it bothered me on how weak I was. He then put me down,kissing me on the forehead. ''BESTFRIEND!!',he shouted,''I HAV'NT SEEN YOU IN FOREVER!!''

I rolled my eyes,he saw me last period! But hey,I had to love him. Up until I heard 'PDA' being shouted by a throaty talking teacher. Damn it,Nathaniel!! 

This bitch landed us in detention. Fran-Fricken-Tastic!! It was only are 20th one together. We should celebrate. As we walked in to the detention hall Mrs.McGregor commented ''You two really need to stop touching each other.'' The immature group of kids Ooo'd. When she turned around I gradually flipped them off,one by one. By the time we were in the second hour,I was giving Nathan the hundereth evil glare of the time. He simply put his hands in the shape of a heart and smiled.  I shook my head at my partner in crime. No way was I accepting crappy apologies from him. 

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