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{B E A U}

The sun crept intø my røøm thrøugh my windøw when I awøke. It had tø be ønly minutes beføre my alarm is suppøsed tø ring. The day's eyes haven't even øpened its eyes yet, but I knew that I was irritated. Grabbing før my phøne I gave øut a breath when I realized that I am right. I always hated when I was right abøut things that have nø benefit tø me. I had a gøød five minutes tø spare beføre I get up, five minutes that cøuld've døne wønders før my current møød.

Turning my backyard and the seeping sun cøming øut øf the bare trees øf late fall. Instead I watch my desk becøme møre and møre visible as the sun cømes in frøm the east. Sløwly but surely my beat up paint bøx's tenaciøus crimsøn cølør cømes intø the light with the metal shøwing thrøugh it. By its side is a tall glass øf tap water, nøw a murky shade between a muted dark purple and førest green with three small watercølør bristles. I was up all night døing my assignment før AP Art that's what I get før prøcrastinating abøut buying thøse chalk pastels.

They were expensive and because døwntøwn was the cløsest place I cøuld get supplies, everywhere else was abøut thirty minutes tø an høur and I døn't have enøugh gas møney tø dø that. Sø I ended up spending twenty bucks instead øf spending fifty ør møre.

When my alarm went øff I sat up trying tø fix my bed head which is a bit redundant because my hair is always bed head. Usually, peøple with curly hair especially shørt curly hair just rustle the nest a bit and then prestø yøu have yøur hairstyle før the day. Scøøting myself døwn and øff my bed and gave myself a gøød stretch beføre stepping øver my scattered shøes and clean øff my desk.

My røøm is always junky my møther uses tø jøke even when I was yøunger that my røøm was a black høle. She wøuld spend høurs helping clean it øver and øver and by three days it wøuld løøk almøst the exact same way. "Beau." She wøuld cømplain after cøming høme frøm wørk tø see me lying øn my stømach reading and what killed me was that she'd just started picking my bøøks and tøys putting them away øne after anøther putting Fifa my cølørful stuff elephant øn my bed beføre rubbing my head and shutting the døør tø help dad with dinner. She's dead nøw since I was føur years in August. Anyway, I clear øff my desk putting my art supplies intø my tøølbøx and away and I hønestly didn't feel like wearing anything tøø tight sø slid øn a pair øf øveralls øver the big tee shirt I wøre tø bed.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face I gø under my bed I dragged my bøøk bag øff frøm underneath the bed having tø stretch a bit tø reach it. Swinging it øn my back I head quickly døwnstairs bareføøt. I see øne øf my dads crashing øn the søfa. "Charlie," I began in a høarse whisper. Nø respønse. "Charlie!" I hiss. Still nada. "Charlie!" I shøut again pushing him a bit with my føøt in the ribs. He cøughed a bit with a grøan attached.

"Jeezeeee." He mumbles sleepily rubbing his muddy brøwn eyes løøking up at me.

"Dø yøu have thermal underwear...underneath thøse fly-by-night øveralls?" He asked his vøice still caked with sleep.

"Maybe," I replied, "Dø yøu have breakfast ready?" I ask.

"Maybe," He begun. "But aren't øld enøugh tø cøøk breakfast før yøurself?"

"Maybe." I said avøiding his eyes nøt accepting defeat but head up stairs tø slide øn the thermal underwear anyway. After searching thrøugh the abyss that is my røøm I føund a pair øf black ønes. Heading døwn the steps I heard the shøwer running must be Gryffin getting ready.

"Are yøu gøing tø help...Beau where are yøur søcks?" He asked pøpping the P when he turned arøund as I was høpping intø my scuffed up cønverse as he stirs the batter.
"Where's the -" I began and he sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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