Chapter 42: Peace offering

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(A/N: The post from the other chapter i have deleted doesn't mean anything against the actor just that the dumb jerk who posted it is an absolute idiot! Also, I am very sorry for not uploading earlier... I may have accidentally deleted this and has no back-up, whatsoever that made me cry for 5 min. Good thing this version is better and not really heart breaking at all. Enjoy!)

"Heimdall?" You asked as you board the Asgardian's ship. It was a bit of a 4 hours travel inside that wormhole Heimdall deemed to be passable yet since it's a wormhole, time didn't pass a bit.

A man with a pair of topaz eyes greeted you.

"I am the man you seek." He stated and refrained himself from touching the small of your back to guide you, in respect to Loki. He pointed you to the direction where you can find who you are looking for.

It was neither Thor nor Loki. Though, you must admit that you have missed Thor but you wouldn't bring yourself from admitting you have missed Loki. You really didn't even want to hear his lame attempt of excuses.

Heimdall left you to the front of the throne room of the ship. As soon as he did, large pair of arms engulfed you in a bear hug.

In shock, you wrapped your arms around the huggers thick neck. Burying your face in his broad chest not minding whoever is hugging you.

"Lady Y/N, I've missed you dearly!" Thor's voice boomed on your ears. He swung you tight making you chuckle but clutched at him closer in fear of falling.

As soon as he settled you down, you noticed something different.

"W-what happened to your eye?" You asked but he shrugged at it and smiled curiously.

"Aren't you gonna ask about my hair?" He asked.

"Why would I? You're eye is more important."

"Important? I just lost it. It's not important anymore." He insisted.

"Nevermind." You dismissed the idea because Thor is being stupidly obvious that he didn't want to tell you. His just not a great liar and a great conversation changer. "Can I see Banner?"

"No, you can not." He said. "Hulk's still taking charge. Banner's, well, maybe asleep?"

"Okay, big guy." You chuckled.

"I have missed you, my lady!" He said once more and swung you in the air like a rag doll.

"I... miss you, too." You screamed at the sight that he could not contain his joy.

"My brother missed you more than I. Perhaps, you should visit him first before Banner?" He suggested.

"I don't think I want to." You replied sadly. You still have no intention in seeing Loki. Your mind has made up it's decision,.. though the heart always protested against in.

Loki happened to be passing by. Heart broken like yours. Your words justifying what you felt as of the moment, made his heart break all the way.

"But, you see, lady---" Thor tried to explain but you refused to listen so Loki went on his way with a straight face.

"Why are we in a ship and not on Asgard?" You asked trying to change the topic but all you did was stir it to the exact spot unknowingly.

"This is Asgard." As soon as you have heard Thor's explanation. You made it your mission to find Loki, apologize, and maybe kneel down to ask for his hand yourself.


"Loki?" You went to knock on every door there is just to find him. Probably left you traumatized to see a larvae open it up for you.

A slight fear of everything, squishy and doesn't have backbones. Worms, or anything. Maybe it was the fear of accidentally killing it if you squeeze it too hard.

"Urgh!" A woman in white tights groaned irritatingly as she left the room. Pissed of as hell and reeks like New York's sewerage system.

She stomped her way out of said room not minding if she even bump you. She wasn't walking straight either. Leaving your glance away from hers, you saw a lunatic laughing on the floor. All bruised up.

If it wasn't for that unmistakable cheekbones, you would've thought it was someone else.

"Loki!" You run towards him and cradled him in your lap. He gaze at you lazily then grinned.

"Oh, it's you, isn't it?" He blurt out and pushed you aside but you pinned him.

"What happened to you? A-are you okay? No, apparently not. You're all bruised up. What happened to you?" You stammered and concentrated to replace his cells which is a slight bit similar to healing him. "Loki?"

"I'm fine, now." He replied coldly and gently pushing you away. He wouldn't forgive himself if he had hurt you. "Obviously, even the alcohol in my system is gone."

"You were drinking?! Loki, what's wrong?" You worriedly asked but he stood there not listening to you. He was about to walk out the room when you hold him in place by hugging him at the back. "I missed you."

Your voice sweet and tender. Even though his heart was broken by your judgement, he will not deny the pleasure of your soothing tone.

"I'm sorry..." You mumbled against his back. He smirked with the thought. His easy to please when it came with you. "I haven't trusted you completely. I'm sorry. I should've known... Loki, I'm so sorry."

"Your words are nothing, Mortal." He replied making you nod in agreement. He was right and you know it.

"Let me make it up to you, then?" You went infront of him and held his hands while smiling. You immediately calmed his stormy eyes as you began to think of any gestures you know would amend him. "How about a book?"

"Really?" He sarcastically asked raising an eyebrow. "When you think of making amends with me, a book is all that came out of your mind?"

"Well, give me a long time and I'll surprise you, you sour puss." You pouted and went to brainstorm. Loki always seemed to be amazed with this.

"I want that peace offering now, Mortal, or else..." He threatened inching up towards you.

"Quiet! I'm thinking." You insisted and placing a finger on his mouth while not looking at him and is lost deep in a thought until your boyfriend licked the finger on his lips.

"Taste like f/f." He complimented.

"Or, maybe larvae slime from the larvae across the hall?" You smirked making him puke and making yourself puke as well. How come I haven't put sanitizer in this?

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