Bringing Back Hallie: Chapter Ten

Start from the beginning

Luckily I hear my dad's voice and my mom's laugh come in that same direction, letting me know that it's them and not the guy that I'm somewhat avoiding right now. My dad, of course, has a voice so loud that I can pretty much hear every word he's saying, and when he mentions my name and Ethan's in the same sentence, it's safe to say that my attention has been moved from the box of cookies. 

He says, "I'm glad the two of them are friends, honestly. Lord knows she needs a friend like him instead of those three she always hangs out with." 

I feel a pang of anger hit my chest at his words-even though they're not the greatest friends, I still love them-but still, my attention cannot be moved from their conversation. I have no idea where they are in the house, but since it seems like no one else is on the first floor apart from us-it's eerily silent, actually-I can hear them like a hawk. 

My mom says, "Oh I know. I was a bit worried at having some guy around her age coming to live in the house, but then I met him and you told me all about what he's been through. I just hope he rubs off on her." 

What he's been through? What the hell has he been through? He hasn't told me anything. I never even would have guessed that he's been through something. He just seems so chill and happy with life. It's like he's never experienced a hardship or something.  

Damn it. Now I'm curious. 

Their voices getting lighter and harder to hear as they probably move off towards their bedroom, I hear my dad say in response, "I know. If he hadn't told me, I never even would have guessed that he..." 

And that's when I can no longer hear his voice. Fuck. Now I'm never going to know what he's been through without asking my parents which will include me having to admit that I eavesdropped on their conversation or asking Ethan. And it's not exactly polite to go up to someone and demand them that they tell me what they've been through in their life. 

What if it's something terrible? What if he was, like, abused as a kid and had to be in a gang to support some sister of his or something? Oh god, I think with an eye roll, I've been reading way too many books. But still...something bad could have happened to him that wasn't quite so dramatic. Someone he loved could have died, he could have never have known his parents. 

And suddenly, I feel like bursting into his room and apologizing over and over about how sorry I am about last night. I don't know why, seeing as how getting embarrassingly drunk isn't a sin or anything...but still. Now I just feel this overwhelming need to apologize to him. I feel like I'll never forgive myself for last night if I don't. 

So with that thought in mind, I clamber off of the barstool and after turning off the stove, I head back on up the stairs. My stomach starts buzzing in nervousness, but I'm far too determined to cower down now. I'll feel awful if I don't apologize. I just have to. He deserves it. 

I find the door right next to mine and after seeing the bedroom light peeking out under the door, I know that he's in there. I take a deep breath, calming my steadily rising nerves, and try to tone down the cheeks I know will turn red because of this, and then lightly rap my knuckles against the door. 

He immediately calls out, "One minute!" and I'm not even exaggerating when I say that that one minute it took for him to reach the door felt like light years.  

When he finally opens the door, I can't help but feel a bit lightheaded and turned on by his appearance. He's wearing sweatpants and a loose-fitted but arm baring shirt and his hair makes it look like he just rolled out of bed. It's all tousled and messy and it makes me just want to run my hands through it even more.  

But I push all of those thoughts out of mind because I know that I won't be able to concentrate on saying sorry if I'm too busy mentally making out with him. He looks confused and a bit startled by random appearance at his door, but he doesn't hesitate to move to the side to let me in the room and then close the door behind me. 

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