"Waxay, wax i yeelo"

I grabbed his hand lightly and told him to wait one minute. I had to grab Eliza first.. he told me they hurt him, but who? I made my way into the back and picked Eliza up. She sucking on her fingers, something she does when she's hungry.

I went back into the room and handed to her to my dad. He smiled and kept saying baby, I quickly made her bottle and handed to him so he could feed her. It's like my life is complete now, I have my baby and my dad.. I couldn't be happier.

I wiped my tears and watched them, and I swore this day would never come. Now that he's actually here it makes me think back to when he wasn't there. I went five long years, going from home to home, searching for him. I'd sneak out and search at night.

At the time I didn't care that it wasn't safe, I just wanted to find him and night time was the only time, I could sneak out. I laugh at my defiant behavior, I was probably twelve. Sneaking out of my foster moms house. I stayed there four maybe three weeks before she sent me back.

"You like the baby?"

"She's cute, looks a lot like you as a  baby"

I smiled at how good his words came out, usually he has to pause then continue or he'll stutter.

"Have you been working on your speech?"

"Yes, it's.. better"

I decided to leave the subject about who's been hurting him alone. He seems happy right now and I don't want to take that away by asking. But tomorrow I plan to get to the bottom of this new fear he has.



I stayed up half the night talking to my dad, surprising he opened up about who has been hurting him. I was very pissed that someone put him in a damn mental hospital. Nothing is wrong with him so why the hell was he put there? That's something Kidd and I will definitely have to discuss.

It was very hard for him to explain the things he's been through. I learned that there is a nurse there, but he doesn't know her name. He told me that she would bathe him in cold water, give him cold food.

She'd hit him when he wouldn't answer her. That hurt because everyone who knows my dad, knows that he doesn't speak unless he feels comfortable around the person!

I couldn't even hear the rest because it's sickening.. I just my dad to life for today and forget yesterday. I don't want him to live in fear because that's not a healthy way to live.

Kidd was here, he came back with a few of my dad's things so he could stay with me for a while. I wanted to speak to Kidd though because there's a lot of things that have been on my mind.

My dad was sitting in the living room with Eliza. He was playing with her little elephant.. he'd make little noises and Eliza would laugh. I stepped in the kitchen where Kidd was grabbing something to drink.

"Why was he in the mental hospital?"

"I'm not exactly sure, I didn't admit him if that's what your thinking"

"I wasn't.. but I'm extremely upset that someone did. He told me a nurse hit him, do you know which one?"

"No, but I've been trying to figure it out. I think it's the one that was giving him dirty looks when I took him out of there"

I just looked at him. I'm honestly not sure why I feel this way.. I feel like I owe Kidd so much for doing this for my dad. I don't think I would have ever found him if it wasn't for Kidd.

"Well thanks, again. I feel like I owe you one"

He frowned at me and opened his drink. "No you don't owe me anything. You and June bug mean a lot to me so it's nothing"

He pat my shoulder and sat down at the table. I smiled at how nice he is..

"Your such a sweet guy.. so you bake?" I tried not to laugh, I've never met a man that could bake.

He cut his eyes at me and held up a finger, so he could swallow the juice in his mouth.

"I don't.. but I'm learning, June bug has a sweet tooth"

"And I'm sure you learned that sugar isn't the best thing to give him, the hard way"

"I did.. he was up for hours acting up, but he's a coo person so it didn't bother me too much. We played NBA2k14 and that definitely kept him busy"

I smiled because that showed me that he has started to figure my dad out. My dad would sit and watch basketball for hours. I remember when we were homeless there was a restaurant. The owner always gave us food and let my dad watch the games.

I'm thankful for the, people who were nice to us when we were on the streets. As long as I live I will always be appreciative of those who helped us, if it weren't for them I don't know where we'd be..

Sincerely Zanobia [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now