Father-Daughter Bonding Time

Start from the beginning

Gildarts then stepped up. "Makarov showed me the Lumen Historie when he wanted me to become the master of Fairy Tail, but I promise to keep that a secret to my grave. You have my word, Master Mavis."

Mavis smiled before nodding that she understood.

"Now then is there anything else you would like to discuss?" She asked.

Makarov and Gildarts turn to look at one another, before both looked at Mavis with serious expressions.

"Yes, we would ask you about Wendy and her father." Gildarts said.

Mavis eyes widen before she closed them and sighed. This was inevitable so she might as well settle this.

"So the two of you figured it out?"

The two nodded.

"I first thought something was off when I explained my battle with Acnologia. She looked really invested in the story, but both me and the master thought it was because she was a dragonslayer and wanted to know anything that may involve the dragons." Gildarts explained. Makarov then continued from there,

"The next odd occurrence was when Acnologia attacked she seemed overjoyed to see him. This confused me as to why she would be happy to see that THING.....*COUGH*...DRAGON." Makarov corrected when he saw Mavis's angry scowl. "I also saw a red glow under her shirt when Acnologia arrived. Again I ignored all this when we all fought the black dragon. What confused me was that Acnologia had plenty of opportunities to kill me and the rest of the guild, but he did not finish me or anyone else off."

"Then the last thing we learned was when Wendy explained her necklace to Natsu and the others, and that it was her father who gave to her. Myself and Gildarts eavesdropped on the conversation by mistake, but we were too suspicious with Wendy's behavior after we returned from Tenrou. It all just leads to the same conclusion, Gildarts and I have reached." The two then looked at Mavis seriously.

"Master Mavis, is Wendy Marvell the daughter of Acnologia?" Makarov asked.

Mavis looked at the two seriously before sighing and looking down.

"Leave it for you two to have figured it out. I should not be surprised since someone would have figured out." She then looks up at the two.

"Yes, Acnologia's true name is Naruto Marvell. He is Wendy's biological father."

The two men remained in shock silence. While they had some suspicion having it proven factual was something else entirely. Makarov merely sighed before pinching his nose in exhaustion.

"Sometimes I wish I did not have such an analytical mind. There are some things better left in the dark." Gildarts nodding in agreement. Both men wondered what kind of life Wendy had before to be that dragon's child. More importantly what kind of woman would have the power to ensnare Acnologia into her bed to conceive a child. It was mind boggling, and honestly frightening. They definitely did not want to meet the woman who had the power to do that.

In two different locations in the world a beautiful redhead woman and blonde woman sneezed simultaneously sneezed.

The two were taken out of their thoughts when Mavis spoke.

"So now that you know the truth. What do you plan to do? Will you question her about? Will you kick her out of the guild? Will you deliver her to the council?"

The two looked at the first master in shock. However the look she gave them let them know she was being serious.

"Shodaime?! How can you ask something so ridiculous?! We don't care about Wendy's past! She could be the daughter of the devil and kami, but we wouldn't care! She's Fairy Tail! She's one of us! She's family!" Makarov ranted passionately. Gildarts had a steel gaze that said he agreed with everything the master said.

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