Chapter 9

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Izzy POV

Not good, fire demons use black fire that kills werewolves instantly, it only takes seconds before the rogues lunge towards me, I use the time to send three red bolts of fire up into the sky to alert my team, I then launch into battle.

chapter 9

Lee's POV

I had just begun teaching group A when Mckenzie bursts through the tree line behind me with wide eyes

"Mckenzie, what's wrong?" I ask getting worried that izzy wasn't with her, she is about to answer when three bolts of red fire explode into the sky. I look with wide eyes at my brother for a minute before bursting into action "everyone inside the pack house now!"

People begin running towards the pack house stumbling over each other to get there first, the only people that stay are the main warriors, head of defense, the alpha and beta and the soon to be alpha and beta "I said everyone" I say

"This is my pack and these men have been trained to defend it"

Anger boils in me "yeah and you obviously aren't very good at it otherwise you wouldn't need us here, red fire is the highest alert we have, so everyone needs to be inside!"

The soon to be alpha steps towards me until he is stopped by the alpha "Sam stop, he wouldn't ask us to go inside if it wasn't that bad"

Soon to be alpha who I now know is called Sam looks to his father and seems to have an internal battle with himself before turning and stomping into the pack house, it only takes a minute before the rest follow leaving the alpha standing in from of me "take care of my pack" is all he says before following the others into the house.

"You know the drill, Kim and Kat get the weapons, Dawn get the shield" I shout

"And everyone suit up!" Jamie adds

Everyone runs off in different directions Kim and Kat come running out both wearing heat proof protective gear and both with weapons strapped to almost every inch of their bodies, then Dawn comes outside with the same suit on but no weapons.

She was our main form of defense and Straight away she begins putting up a dome shield around the pack house, all the pack members are pressed up against the glass watching from inside, the only people not present were the children who had been taken into a protective room with the luna.

Me and Jamie are both also in suits with swords strapped to our backs and guns strapped to our waists.

We all stand poised on high alert and looking out waiting for the attack. the sounds of heavy paws slamming against the ground at high speed alerts us before the rogue wolves launch themselves out of the trees and begin their attack followed by two cloaked figures who stand at the side as though they are waiting for something. Instantly the team flings themselves into action each of us fighting off 5 rogues or more whilst Dawn keeps up the shield.

The fact that izzy still hasn't shown up is beginning to make me worry, it has been almost ten minutes and we are still fighting rogues but I was beginning to worry, losing my concentration I get knocked off me feet from behind, a second later heat passes over my head I roll to find It was Jamie who knocked me over "what was that for?"

He doesn't answer he is too busy staring at something above my head "it can't be"

I stretch and look up to find out what he is talking about, my stomach drops at the sight and my eyes go wide "fire demons" this changed everything no one within the team could fight off a fire demon in combat other than izzy and she was still missing "everyone inside the shield now!"

Everyone snaps into action running towards the shield "is everyone wearing their pendants?" I revive a chorus of yes' "good use them send Dawn all the energy you possibly can we need this shield to stay up!". The pendants were something Dawn had made for situations just like this, they sent energy from those wearing them into her to give her a boost of energy when she needed it to keep a spell working longer.

From within the shield we all stand looking out at the 2 remaining rogues and the 2 fire demons "izzy wherever you are I hope you are alright" I whisper " and I hope you hurry"

-Izzys' POV-

I roll over groaning, pain pounding through my skull reaching my hand up I am met with a wetness bring my hand back down, I see it's coated with blood "shit" I scan the area trying to remember what happened then I notice a hooded figure lying 2 feet away from me and it all comes back to me hitting me full force like a freight train.

Fire demons

Jumping to my feet in a blur I take off in the direction of the pack house, I sense the house before I reach it bursting through the tree line I come face to face with the other two fire demons, one steps forward towards me and then goes rigid and falls to the ground at my feet, looking across to the pack house I notice Kat standing with a gun in her hand "holy water bullets!" she shouts to me

I grin towards her before turning my attention back towards the remaining fire demon who had taken off his hood and looked mighty pissed as well as ugly.....very, very ugly.

I hear Kat reload the gun "stop, don't draw any attention to the pack!" She reluctantly lowers the gun. the demon grins at me before setting himself alight and launching at me. I conjure fire swirling it around me in a blazing whirlwind using my power over air to make it move faster. The demon launches itself trough the fire some of it's skin ripping off from the speed of the fire, it slams into me the impact jarring my entire body and I fall to the ground with the demon on top of me squeezing my throat in his tight claw like hands.

Bringing my knee up I ram it hard into his manhood hoping that it was a guy, thankfully it works and gives me time to flip us over. I spot one of Kat and Kim's blades to my right I grab it and attempt to bring it down on the demons throat, but before I get the chance he melts the blade turning the entire thing to liquid. Guessing that wasn't a fire blade then.

Rolling away from the demon I jump to my feet and turn to face the demon, he is staring straight at me and begins to circle me whilst I mimic his movements, at the same time we both unleash fire from our bodies throwing it with all the energy we both had towards the other, it was a battle of will, and there was no way in hell I was going to lose.

Calling to the other three elements I use earth to pin the demons feet to the ground, then I call on air and suck all the air out of it's lungs it falls to the ground gasping and clawing at his throat, then finally I call upon water and trap it in an enormous bubble of water, I could slowly begin to see the demon deteriorate within the water bubble. Fire demons only have one weakness which is that they cannot touch water if they do whatever part touched the water just crumbles away.

The only problem is they have to stay in it for a while for them to completely deteriorate and I could feel the energy begin to fade from my body, if I could just keep going I was almost there just a little longer.  I feel wetness begin to trickle down my face and know that blood has begun streaming from my nose and ears, the water bubble in front of me explodes in a ball of steam indicating that the fire demon has completely deteriorated.

A sense of dizziness washes over me and I can no longer stand I begin to fall to the ground and hear people shouting my name but they seem so far away, I completely black out before I hit the ground


OMG OMG OMG OMG 20k reads omg you guys thankyou so much you have no idea how much this means to me, hope you liked it was kinda hard to write this chapter any improvements or spelling mistakes comment

Dedicated to SoccerReading for the comment on the last chappie that made me smile the most and for telling her friends about me and gaining me more reads thankyouuu :)


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