Chapter 1

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My feet pound the pavement as I run my breath coming in sharp pants, this would be a lot easier if I had shifted but that was just the thing...I haven't. I can still hear the screams of my pack members and can still see my mother and father being torn to pieces by snapping ferocious teeth and sharp claws trying to protect me, it felt like they were all after me but I didn't pay too much attention to that, the last thing my mother had said to me was run and that's exactly what I did, I didn't have a clue where Blake had gone, but the only thing I was thinking about right now was getting as far away from here as possible, I have almost reached the clearing and I haven't seen him at alI, but I could easily call Blake later to find out where he is, I just hope he's okay.

I'm suddenly wrenched from my thoughts by something slamming into my back sending me in a tumbling heap to the muddy floor. I snap my gaze up to see a jet black wolf with eyes that are so dark they look almost black, the wolf is crouching on the far left side of the clearing, its crouched down low to the floor in an attack position with its lips pulled back and teeth on full display. The only thing missing was froth coming from its mouth, and then it would have been like something straight out of horror film.

I lift myself upright onto my knees and into a crouch position trying not to make any sudden movements that would cause a trigger in the wolf and make it attack, but I fail and the wolf charges across the clearing toward me teeth bared, I know I need to move or die but I cannot seem to get my body to move, it's almost like someone is forcing me to stay, this is it, this is how I'm going to die. I see the flash of teeth just as they are about to tear into my shoulder and brace myself for the pain to hit, tensing every part of my body involuntarily.

I lurch upright shaking and drenched in sweat, I take deep breaths trying to calm down my ragged breathing, it was just another dream, it wasn't real, that's all over now, I haven't had nightmares about the attack for years, and it seemed strange that I was having them again now. I unconsciously reach round and check my left shoulder, they only thing that met my touch were the two scars where the teeth of the wolf had clamped onto my shoulder, a shudder ran down my spine at the memory. It has been 6 years, but I haven't forgotten one single detail of that horrific day all the bloodshed and screaming are engraved in my memory, like a stuck record that will never stop playing, and can never be turned off.

Shaking my head I climb out of bed, the cold instantly attacking my bare arms and legs I shiver and pull a jacket off the hook rack on the back of my door, I slide it on and make my way downstairs. Entering the kitchen and grabbing the milk from the fridge, I pour myself a glass then perch on one of the barstools at the breakfast bar.

Since I was up and obviously wasn't going to be getting back to sleep anytime soon, I decide on cleaning out the guns in the armoury. The armoury was my second favourite room in the whole base, it contained any weapon you could think of guns, knives, grenades, nunchucks, Japanese swords, whips, chains and hammers, if it was a weapon I can guarantee you, that you would find it somewhere in the armoury. It also had one of the best security systems in the world protecting it and the house, it had a palm and eye scanner, voice recognition and an authorisation code, no one got in or out without the head of defence and training knowing, which just so happened to be me.

Only people with my authorisation could go down into the armoury, unless of course you were first or second in command then you could go anywhere. The best thing about that security system was that the house would automatically lock down, steel bars covering all the exits, including windows and lock down any important rooms like the armoury if someone tried to break in, or if someone entered the authorisation code incorrectly.

You may think that all that security is a bit much since everyone in the house was supernatural in one way or another, but we have made a lot of enemies and some of the people here mostly the younger kids and children don't know how to defend themselves and some people like the witches can still die from being shot through the chest by a sniper, and we were just not willing to take that chance.

I had just finished cleaning out the Longbow T-76 one of my personal favourites, when I felt a presence behind me "I never can hear you coming"

"I'm a witch what do you expect" she says laughing slightly "besides I like being the only one who can sneak up on you"

I laugh lightly "that's one way to put it I suppose"

"You had the dream didn't you?" she asks her was steady but still had an undertone of concern.

"Why Lena, why are they starting again now?" I ask my voice wavering slightly at the end which I hated, I hated showing weakness it made me feel pathetic. She walked up to me with her arms open wide I went into the embrace willingly, I don't know where I would be right now if it wasn't for Lena taking me in and treating me as her very own, in my eyes she was my adopted mother and her husband Rick was my adopted father.

It took me a while, but I eventually opened up to Lena and Rick letting all my pain spill out, I cried for weeks but they never gave up on me or threw me out, they stood by me all the way and eventually I started to heal. I still don't know what happened to my brother or why my pack was even attacked in the first place, even Lena and Rick tried to find out what happened, Lena who is a witch used her power to try and contact the spirits and Rick who is half shifter, half witch tried using the shifter network to get information but came up with nothing. In the end we gave up and came to the conclusion that it was a pack gone bad who chose to target my pack which a more peaceful pack.

I wanted to become strong and able to defend myself so that if ever something like this happened again, I would be able to help instead of running away and being completely helpless. I trained long and hard every day for months, building up strength both physically and mentally. Rick trained me in all of the regular things for a wolf like combat, weapon use and stealth in both human and wolf form, but because I was an element wolf I had to find someone who could train me in control and how to use my powers.

This turned out to be incredibly difficult because element wolves are rare there aren't a lot of them left in the world and certainly not like me, most element wolves get the power to control one or two elements, not me, I can control them all water, wind, fire and earth.

I ended up having to have two different people train me Lee and Jamie Richardson, they were twins whose family had treated them terribly, like slaves and abused them both physically and verbally. So when they found out that they were element wolves they ran because they knew that if their pack ever found out they would use them for their own personal gain.

Rick found them hiding in a rundown old cabin in the middle of the woods and offered them a place with the Protectors, that was five years before I arrived and back then there was a woman who was a witch and could control all four elements so she taught them how to use their powers, but by the time I had arrived she had passed away even though she still looked young and youthful, people say that she had stopped herself from ageing, I once asked Rick why she died so suddenly but he just said "she said it was her time to go" and left it at that.

The twins taught me how to control the elements and how to get them to bend to your will, they also taught me that I should never abuse my power, because it would always turn out ugly in the end. By the time I had learnt all I could from the people around me, I had more power and was stronger and faster than any other Protectors.

I am yanked back into reality when I hear Lena talking, "sorry, what did you say?" I ask giving her a guilty smile, we are no longer hugging and she is standing in front of me with her hands on her hips she just gives me a small smile "I said, it's probably because your birthday is in a few days, your going to be nervous about turning 18 and meeting your mate, and you obviously miss your parents and wish they could be there with you" she says her voice lowers towards the end sadness flashes in her eyes. I feel guilt in the pit of my stomach and grab her shoulders pulling her back into a tight embrace "I have you, rick and all the rest of the gang, that's all I need" I say and feel her smile against my shoulder, she always has been short, "besides I know my parents would have loved you guys and will be watching over me" I say

"Yes" she says with a knowing glint in her eyes "I'm sure they are"

~~~~~~~A/N IMPORTANT!!!!~~~~~~~

Pic of Isabelle to the side >>>>>>

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