Chapter 1

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"what should we do Mel?" James asked me.

I took a moment to think. I guess I was voted the 'mummy' I have got to look after them all. James looks even older than me by a year but he doesn't have any slither of maturity yet. It is quite simple to make a plan I mean my father taught me that!

"Charlotte, you stay hidden and keep the baby safe. Addison-Mae walk out in front of them, James save her. Me, I'll do my own thing. Get it? Got it? Good." I said passing weapons to those who needed it.

The zombies came and Charlotte hid with Meave under a mass of rocks where she could just see through the peep hole in the rocks. She could get out easily because she could leap over it with her long legs, she was fast too. Addison-Mae strolled along whistling. The zombies spotted her and stumbled over one another to get to her. James kept in but fell on a rock. That IDIOT!!

The crowd of zombies went over to her. Time for plan two, I grabbed hold of Addy-Mae's hand and made a ran for it. James and Charlotte following with the baby.

When we got out Charlotte slapped me . I felt my red, sore cheek it was swelling.


"IT WOULD HAVE WORKED IF JAMES HADN'T TRIPPED!" I yelled back in much frustration. She should be grateful I save her in the first place.

"Come on Sissy let's go." Charlotte had her hand outstretched for Addison to grab hold of.

Addison shook her head and nuzzled up to my sleeve. I brought her into a comforting hug as she had lost her parents that day so she needed all the comfort she could get.

"Fine we will stay with that PIG for a little longer then" Charlotte growled giving me dirty looks.

"We better find somewhere to sleep 'cause it's getting dark" James finally spoke up.

We decided to sleep in the mall and we curled up on the sofas. Addison slept with her teddy and all of us shared the blanket.

"I'll take first watch" James said sitting up. I was to tired to disagree.

I fell into a deep sleep..

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