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A/N: Music Playlist for this story in the external link! Check it out! :)

Mary - 4/2/14


Dear Pen Pal, 

Hello... You  may be wondering why I sound very unenthused about writing this letter to you. Well, let me tell you why... I DON'T WANT TO WRITE THIS LETTER. Sorry. I just really don't want to do this. Writing sucks. This sucks. My teacher sucks. Everything sucks. Don't elemantary students do pen pal thingys? Not 16 year old high school students who have better things to do in life than sit here and write a letter to a complete stranger that I will never talk to ever again.

Anyway. I guess I have to introduce myself. My name is Mary Sue Winheart. And, before you ask... No. I'm not an actual Mary Sue. I'm not perfect. I'm not annoying and whiny. My parents just decided to be awesome, and name me Mary Sue. So... just, call me May or something. Actually, I'd rather you not call me anything. I'm 16... and I'm just your ordinary teenage girl who really wants to flip the table and storm out of this classroom. 

Well. My teacher, Ms. Buttface, wants me to ask you some questions she made up, so I can "get to know you better."

But, she's stupid. Screw her. I'm going to come up with my own questions.



1) If you were sexually attracted to fruit, what fruit would you be attracted to?

2) If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

3) Do you believe in aliens/UFOs?

4) What would you do if your sibling and/or friend turned into a dog turd?

5) Can you just kill me now...? 


And don't worry. My teacher never reads anything we hand in. I won't get in trouble. But you probably don't care. I don't know why I'm telling you this. Well. Goodbye stranger. Have fun answering those questions ( *cough cough* That was sarcasm *cough cough* )

                                                                             - Love (Not really), Mary

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