I was so happy for him. That little girl brought so much joy to his face that it made me wonder if he would even be excited the second go round. I was really ready for these results to drop because I don't want him or me to get too attached and it's not his. I finished up my food and we continue talking while he rubbed my body down with lotion.

Roman's POV
When I went to go see A'Niyah today she had her eyes open watching me the whole time I held her. She had her small hand wrapped around my finger. I wasn't really trying to get too attached to her just in case she wasn't mine, but I was hoping she was. I was rubbing Hennessy body down while we talked about all kinds of different things. After she fell asleep I went downstairs to join the others.

" Hennessy sleep ?" Kindell asked making me nod

" omg that's all she does now. Why she can't have an active baby that makes her stay up." She said again

" It's too early for the baby to be active fool ." Nadia said laughing

" Shut up " Kindell rolled her eyes at her " I think she should have a gender reveal." She said smiling

" That a be fun but is better to have a shower that way people a know what exactly to bring." Nadia said

" We could do both ." I shrugged

" ooo yes Roman " Kindell high five me " We could through yall a gender reveal BBQ and people can just buy shirts to wear. Like the shirts can say Team Girl or Team Boy and have the relation to the baby on the back and then once we know the gender we can throw her a baby shower but people bring gifts to this one ." Kindell said having a good idea

" Yes bitch ! We can have her gender reveal as soon as she hit 5 months like a couple weeks after and then have the baby shower when she's 8 months." Nadia said making them high five each other

" So who gone go with us to find out the gender ?" I asked

" Us duh" the girls said together

They had everything already planned out for Hennessy. They were looking at stores online to find decorations and stuff already. She was lucky to have them in her life.

Bee's POV
I was so ready to take my baby girls home tomorrow . I was sitting in the hospital bed feeding her while Cliff went to go get me some real food. I was more than happy for the results to come back. Which ever one is my baby's father I will be glad, I'm just ready for to actually know who her father is and so her father can sign her birth certificate. It kind of made me feel bad that I didn't know who her father was from the jump so she could have his last name or some type of part of him, but better late than never. There was a knock on my door interrupting me from my thoughts. When I looked up at the person coming in I got really upset.

" What you guys doing here ?" I asked holding my baby tighter

" We can't come see our old friend's baby ?" She asked with a smirk

" We were never friends . Get out of my room !" I yelled reaching for the nurse button but he pulled out a knife

" If I was you I wouldn't press that button." He said making the knife visible

" What do yall want ? Why are y'all here ?" I asked starring at the knife

" We're putting you back on the team." She said

" I don't want to be back ." I said shaking my head

" But you're coming back. See we let you go only because you were pregnant and still in love with him so your emotions could have gotten the best of you but seeing that you haven't told him yet made us think you really could handle the pressure. I mean who tries to help their alleged baby father get killed and not feel guilty " She said

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