Chapter 17: mommy she stole my dress!

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Chapter 17: mommy she stole my dress!

1 week later
Standing infront of my closet with numerous amounts of
clothes, I compared which outfit would look better on me for
the event tomorrow night.
Deciding that none of my outfits would fit the theme, I
threw myself back on my bed and stared at the ceiling as I
blew my bangs out of my face.
My mother is having a party in honor of our companies'
successful launch. Apparently, Lunar Industries was a big
hit in Florida. I guess that they passed the news to
Gardenia since most of our home remedies, cosmetic
supplies, and clothing have been going out of stock. We've
also been having a lot of client interviews and meetings
since a lot of people would like to work with or for the
The party would be grand! My mother rented out a whole
restaurant for the party, including a banquet hall and full
catering! There will be gowns, and suits, and guests, and
clients, and friends. Lots of them! I'm allowed to invite
friends so of course I invited the girls who can invite their
own guests as well.
Deciding that I'd go shopping with Bloom tomorrow at the
party, I stood up and got my phone before texting her.
She texted back saying that we'd go after school, which is
fine since tomorrow we get out early.
Falling back on my bed I closed my eyes for a while and let
myself find peace.
Since the party is about my mother's business, there's no
doubt that other companies would be coming to meet and
celebrate with us. Which means that C- Corporations would
definitely be going as well. Cassandra sure has a lot of nerve
to actually attend my mother's party.
She knows' I that I know what she's been doing, yet she still
decides to come. Wrong move on my mark. Big time.
I wondered if she'd go into the ballroom looking all grand
in a lavender colored dress with my father, or if they'd just
ignore each other and act as if they've never met. They'd
probably do that. My father would be in a lot of trouble with
my mother if he made any contact with other women,
especially her rivals in business.
I opened my eyes once again and looked across the bed to
where the unicorn Brandon got me lay. I moved forward a
little and picked up the medium sized plush, before hugging
it into my chest and burying my head into its' white fur.
Brandon and I have been talking a little more, though we
aren't dating. He's been really supportive and cheers me up
constantly, urging me to forget about Cassandra. If it
weren't for him, I don't know where I'd be.
And before you get any ideas, I don't like him. Okay, maybe
just a tad bit, but I'd never actually openly admit it.
He's currently a… well, I don't know what he is to me just
yet. I'd say friend, but thinking of Brandon as one of my
friends sort of grosses me out. I know that it's mean and
all, but I just can't see me and Brandon as buds after
everything that has happened so far.
I mean, maybe in the future id change my mind, but for
now, lets' just say that we're civil.
I know, Its' ridiculous that we're only "friends". I mean,
the two kisses, the past revelation, but whatever. I don't
really care right now.
All I care about, is getting a good night sleep…

I strutted through the halls of Walden High in my high
BADGLEY heels.
Actually, I wish that I was strutting down the hall in
expensive BADGLEY heels while wearing my now-stained ivory
white dress. In truth, I was actually limping, or more like
dragging, my body towards my next class in tennis shoes,
sweatpants, and an oversized sweat shirt.
A young sophomore looked at me in horror and disgust as
pulled my hoodie onto my messy blonde hair. I walked up to
them and did a loud zombie-like groan before the
sophomore scampered off to class without looking back.
Yup, I really wasn't in a good mood.
I continued on with my journey to History. I really wasn't
looking forward to getting lectured by prof. Wizgiz.
I entered the classroom and took my usual seat next to
Looking around to make sure none of the teachers were
here, I put my legs up on the desk and crossed my arms
before rolling my head back.
Bloom appeared next to me with a confused expression on
her face. "What's up with you?"
I looked back at Bloom before taking a deep breath and
fumbling with my fingers. I looked at my hands. "Well hello
to you too"
I heard Bloom chuckle as she pushed my legs off of the
table and got her stuff out.
I turned around and looked to the side of the class room to
see Sky talking with Diaspro. Well… how nice…. Sort of.
I looked around the room a little more and saw Flora sitting
by Helia. Poor Flora. Helia still doesn't have the guts to ask
the girl out. I'll have to help them out a little later.
I turned back around to come face-to-face with the short
professor. "Hood down Ms. Solaris. I don't want to remind
you again."
I pushed the hood back and off of my head before blowing
my bangs out of my face.
I took out my note book and waited for Prof. Wizgiz's
"Alright class, take out your history book. I want you to
read pages 40-150, and an essay to be complete by the end
of the period."

No Pov
Musa sat in the library watching Ms. Barbatea shuffle
around the library as she tried to arrange some books. It
was free period and Musa had nothing to do.
After this period would be lunch and none of the other girls
had free period at the same time that she did. It wasn't
exactly free period to be exact. It was more like a study
period. But Musa never really liked reading text books for a
whole hour when no teachers were around.
Instead, she watched the students chat, and Ms. Barbatea's
failing attempts to reach the top of the book case without
the stool.
She looked back down and took her ipod out of her back
pack before putting her headphones into her ears and
listening to some music.
She hadn't heard anyone move towards her and take a seat
in the empty chair right by her side.
The smell of sweat and cologne filled her nostrils. Scrunching
up her nose, she took a deep breath and squinted her eyes
before re opening them.
She turned to the sweat smelling person beside her, only for
her to realize that it was the one person she didn't want to
Musa started packing up her stuff, eager to move to another
table. She took a quick glance at Riven and noticed at he
was staring at her.
She rolled her eyes and pushed her bangs out of her face
before moving out of the chair and standing up.
She started walking away before she stopped. Was it really
worth it? Was he that bad, that she had to move to another
table just because he was sitting in the same one that she
She blew some air onto her face before walking back to the
old chair and settling her stuff.
She looked back at Riven and noticed that he was still
staring at her. "Can I help you?"
Riven looked completely dazed. He was out of it alright.
Atleast that's what she thought.
Riven broke out into a grin and spoke with his usual low and
chill voice, only this time, it had a hint of playfulness in it.
"Well it depends, are you better in math, or history?"
Musa's mouth shot open. She looked at Riven as if he just
shot a puppy. What happened to the desperate and sorry
Riven that she talked to weeks before?
She was about to give her a piece of her mind before she
decided against it.
He isn't worth her time. Riven isn't worth her time.
She slumped into her seat while crossing her arms.
"Aye" she heard Riven say as he sat a little in his seat.
"Wanna be my date to Stella's rich-people party?"
She looked at him, a shocked expression on her face. Looking
into his purple eyes, she saw a glint of hope shining through
them. Even though Riven had been a jerk to her all this
time, she couldn't say no to those magenta eyes.
Rolling her eyes and picking up her books, she stood up.
"Fine, but pick me up at 7, and dress classy" she said with
a small grin.
Riven stood up with her. "Sweet. And bring one of your lady-
friends with you tonight. I wanna dance with somebody who
actually can"
Musa slapped him playfully on his shoulder.
Same old Riven. Maybe tonight would be a good one.

Stella's pov
I dragged Bloom out of the classroom and soon, out onto
the quad. For a small professor like him, he sure gives pretty
hard assignments.
Lucky for me, the History class in my old school covered that
topic already, so I didn't have to re-read everything.
Although now, I think I should've had. My essay was only
about 3 sentences long. All three sentences about how Roman
men used to bathe in the same bath, at the same time.
Oh well. What's done is done. I can't go back and re-do it.
It probably got lost in a stash of other essays. Plus, I'm too
lazy to re-do an 8 page long assignment. But who am I to
complain? I barely did a paragraph!
We were already out on the street, walking towards
Gardenia's very own mall. The mall doesn't even have a
name. The people just refer to it as a mall, so I guess I
should too.
It was lunch break already, and now is the perfect time to
go dress-shopping for the party.
Brandon wasn't at school today. Flora said that Helia told
her he'd meet up with the guys after school. He had
something to attend to this morning, and couldn't make it
at school, so I guess I'll just see him tomorrow.
Bloom and I walked past some of the boutiques in the mall
before stopping.
The strong aroma of melted cheese, crunchy bread, grilled
peepers, greasy garlic, and tomato sauce filled the air.
Bloom and I turned to the side and peered through the
Mmmmm. Pizza….
Our stomachs growled almost at the same time. We stared at
each other for about 40 seconds before ramming into the
small pizza shop like there was no tomorrow.
We ran to the front of the line since nobody else was there.
"Hi, can we have a cheese pizza, with Italian sausage, small
olives, red onions, and extra cheese?" Bloom and I said at
the same time.
The man at the register stared at the both of us with a
weird expression, before nodding and putting the toppings
on our pizza. We soon gave him $10.00, and he gave us our
I smiled brightly as Bloom and I walked to the counter to
watch the man bake the pizza. I cupped my hands on my
face while resting my elbows on the counter, humming a
small little tune in my head.
Soon enough, the pizza was ready. The man brought the
pizza to the counter. "And here you go" he said as he put it
on the counter. I said I soft "ahh" before reaching out and
saying thank you, but apparently, somebody else had beat
me to it.
"Thank you" a sassy voice replied. I slammed my hand
ontop of the counter before turning to fave the imposter.
Clenching my fists in and angry manner, I yelled at the girl
while pointing my finger. "Excuse me, but that's our pie!"
The girl turned around with the pizza in her hand, as I
gasped. "Not!" the girl spoke loudly
The man who gave us our pizza stepped forward. "I'm
afraid it'll be ten minutes since the next ones' out"
The raven haired girl spoke once again as I glared at her,
shooting invisible lasers and dart guns at her 'pretty little
face'. "She won't mind waiting" she said as she shook her
I swear to god that smoke and fumes were blasting out of
my ears. "Hey, I ordered that pizza!"
"Possession is nine-tenths of the law"
I stepped forward and bent down so I was face to face with
the girl "Well then I'm re-possessing it!" my hands shot out
onto the box of pizza in the girl's hand as I tried to pull it
out with all of my strength.
She was doing the same thing. "Get off!"
I pulled even harder "No, you get off!"
Bloom and the baker watched helplessly along with the girl's
group of freakish baboons. The small shop was filled with
grunts and screams as we tried to pry the box of pizza out
of each other's hands.
Finally, the box ripped apart and the pizza splattered all
over our outfits.
The girl gasped dramatically "My Dolce and Cartiana!"
Ha, more like my Dolce and Cartiana!
I mimicked her tone mockingly. "My ugly sweat pants!" I
said as I put my hands on my face and dragged them
down, showing the red parts in the lids of my eyes. My
hands were filled with pizza sauce, which meant that I was
getting sauce all over my face, but I couldn't care less.
The girl stepped forward while rubbing some sauce out of
"her" outfit.
I stepped forward as well. "What are you? The Garden
"I should be asking the same thing… so I will. What are
yooouuuuuuuuu supposed to be?" I said insultingly, moving
my finger up and down.
She gasped all sassy-like while her sidekicks did this weird
thing with their hips before snapping. "Betas"
I scoffed "What are you, the queen bee of the Cute-sies?"
"Yeah, well at least I'm not the fat bug of the Dorks!"
I looked down at my figure offended. "Well excuse me, but
I like the way I weigh!"
She crossed her arms. "Yeah, you liked it so much that you
decided to add to it" she said referring to the torn up
"Yeah?" I stepped back a little bit while bending down. My
nose scrunched almost immediately. "Well, you were about to
eat it too!"
The girl took "her" shoes off and got into fighting stance. I
did the same. "Oh, so you wanna go?" she was already
bouncing up and down in place, trying to throw punches.
I cracked my neck and fingers. "Heck yeah I wanna go!"
I was about to pounce on her until felt a hand stop me on
my shoulder. Bloom pulled me back and grabbed my shoes
along the way. "Let's go find a dress now Stell!" she said as
she pulled me even more. "Nice to meet ya Beta girls!"
Before we fully exited the door, I held onto it really quick
and looked at the girls. "Good luck shopping, oh ad that
pre-teen goth look is very appealing on you! I suggest you
stick with it!" I yelled as Bloom pulled me completely out of
the parlor.
I waved my hands frantically. "Wait, no, I wasn't done!" I
yelled as Bloom dragged me away "She has my wedges!"

I looked at the rack of clothes in the store. "Oh, Bloom,
look at this one!" I said, showing her a baby blue dress. "I
would've rocked this dress in the 7th grade!" I sighed
dramatically as Bloom chuckled.
"Stella, do you think this would look good on me?" she
thrusted a wedding-dress like outfit towards me. It looked
very cute, with little flowers around the top of the dress,
and a small blue sash "and the best part is that I have a
matching head band!" she squealed excitedly.
I laughed. "Go ahead dawling, I'm sure it'll look fabulous
on you!"
"Thanks Stell!" she said as she walked into the dressing
I nodded and resumed on my dress hunting. I had already
picked a couple of dresses to see which one would look better
on me. And so far, no luck.
Bloom exited the room as I put a pale beige dress back on
the rack.
She walked over to me with her dress in her hand. "Any
I shrugged and shook my head. "Not just yet" I smiled
We kept on looking for the dress. We were probably late for
class, but I didn't really care. I wanted a dress…really bad!
I suddenly saw a small shimmer in the back of one of the
racks in the boutique. Moving closer to it, I pushed aside the
other dresses to be met with a stunning red high-low dress.
The dress had small openings in the front that weren't as
revealing. The gaps were covered with the most beautiful
blue stones that I have ever seen.
I picked up the dress and walked into the dressing room to
try it on.
Slipping on the dress and pulling my hair a little out of my
face, I stared at my reflection. I couldn't help but notice
how different I looked.
My eyes were wide, as if I had just experienced and magical
thing ever. My eyes were glowing as I noticed my cheeks
start to flush. It was really weird since I was the only one in
the room, but none-the less, I did it anyways.
I touched my pin lips as I felt it curl into a small grin, to a
goofy smile.
I ran out of the room with my other clothes in my hand,
over to where Bloom was at. "This is it Bloom! This is the
dress I'm gonna wear at my mother's business gala!"
I took her hand and we began running towards the counter
before stopping.
The raven-haired girl was posing infront of a mirror with
the dress I was wearing right now. God, when will she learn
to get her own things, and keep her grubby hands off of
I started feeling aggravated. "Hey, that's my dress!"
The girl did a sheepish smile while speaking mockingly.
"Mmm-mmm, it's mine!"
Way to ruin my Friday, jerk!
"Yeah, well there's only one real one, and I'm gonna get it
The girl looked down. "Your shoes untied."
She and her posse of chipmunks pushed me and Bloom to the
Before they ran out, I stood up quickly and grabbed the
mysterious girls' hand. "Listen here" I said as one of my
hands balled into a threatening fist, ready to strike a
punch anytime "I don't know who you think you are, or what
you think you're doing. So go find your own dress, but until
you do, I want you to find my fist!" I screamed the last
part out loud in her face.
She pushed me off before stepping on my foot, and running
away with my dress.
"She did it again Bloom" I said as I stayed on the ground
"she took something else that was mine."
Bloom pulled me into a comforting hug. "Don't worry Stella.
I know we'll find you the perfect dress before tonight."
I nodded slightly before giving off a small smile. Bloom did
this really intimidating thing with her face making me smile
wider, and wider, until… "Okay Bloom, you win!"
We looked like a pair of goofballs chatting giddily on the
floor. "There she is!"
"Haha" I looked back at the ground. "Here I am".
I pushed a strand of my hair away from my face before
looking back up.
I broke into a small smile as I felt some hope flutter inside
me. Because there before me, stood the perfect dress.
The perfect dress, the dress I was going to wear in my
mothers' gala…

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