Chapter 11: Elevator Madness

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Chapter 11: Elevator Madness

Hello! I feel like this chapter is abit dramatic for the Musa
and Riven scene so I'll do them on the next chapter! Thanks

CHAPTER 12/11: Elevator Madness
2 weeks later (Saturday Morning)
I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where my
mom and dad were eating their breakfast.
I was dressed in my blue shorts with my white and red top.
I was going to meet Bloom and the others at the mall to go
shopping for a while and eat out.
It's been two weeks since my mother had grounded me. My
punishment had ended yesterday! Thank god! Seeing what
my father wears underneath was very disturbing!
I walked into the kitchen and got an apple from the
counter and a bottle of water from the fridge before I said
goodbye to my parents and exited the house.
Half the block towards the park, was a trashcan. I jogged
towards it before looking left and right and then throwing
the apple away.
I took the white little pill bottle out of the back of my
pocket and put 2 pills in my mouth before drinking the
water and putting the bottle away.
Dr. Goldstein wanted to take some x-rays of my head and
then prescribe me a new medication for my allergies.
Pshh, like that's going to happen.
Anyways, I was just going to go to the medical center and
then to the mall after. Bloom told me to be there by 3 and
it's only 10. So I got me a lot of time.
After I passed by the park, I saw Walden high, and right
across it , was the Medical center.
I crossed the street and entered the facility.
It seemed that the building was not as crowded as it was 4
weeks ago.
I entered the elevator and rode up to the third floor.
I was alone in the elevator.
When I finally heard the elevators' "ding" I took a deep
breath and stepped out. I walked solemnly to room 288.
Nobody knew I was taking pain killers, let alone skipping
breakfast and throwing away my food.
I just hope they don't take another blood test...
I pushed open the brown mahogany doors and signed in at
the counter.
I took my seat in the waiting room and took out my phone.
The nurse called me in shortly after and led me straight to
my room where I waited nervously on the bed.
As we walked through the halls and into my room, I couldn't
help but notice a figure that looked exactly like Brandon.
Call me crazy, and it might just be a figment of my
imagination, but the person also smelled like him too.
I know, it's so weird that I recognize his own scent. Just the
thought of it gave me shivers.
Dr. Goldstein came in about 10 minutes later, and led me
into a separate room.
The room had a tube like bed where I was supposed to lay.
I took off my shoes and my jewelry before going into the x
I watched as the doctor looked at me from a glass window
with a volunteer helping him.
I felt myself being moved under a blue light as it scanned
my body.
I just lay there for a while and wondered what they were
As I looked into the blue light, I couldn't help but feel
They already told me that none of the stitches had re
opened and that my scar wounds were healing.
Why did they still need to check into my skull?
I looked back at the glass window and saw the doctor and
his volunteer with a shocked expression on their face.
What? What's going on? What's wrong with my head?
I felt myself being moved out of the clear tube. I stood up
once I was all the way out and put on my shoes.
Once I had my earings and bracelets back on, I went to the
other side of the room to meet the doctor.
I walked over to them with a questioning look. What's wrong
with them? They seemed... disturbed.
The doctor spoke with a worried expression as he stared into
my eyes "Stella, if there is something going on, if you're
feeling any of the symptoms that I described to you the
other day, you need to tell us. If you wait much longer,
than we won't be able to help you anymore, there will be
nothing we can do, what's done is done Stella, there's no
turning back." What are they trying to tell me? It's just a
small headache and stomach pains including vision
depravation. Who knows? I might be getting diarrhea
He looked at me one more time, only this time, he seemed
afraid. He took both of my hands in his. "Please Stella, you
have to be honest. You have to tell us"
I couldn't tell them. It isn't important. Why are they
making such a big deal about this? It's not like I'm about to
I took my hands out of his and stared at the floor as I
shook my head.
Dr. Goldstein sighed as his helper shook his head. He walked
around the room a little longer before he spoke. He walked
towards me and held a steady gaze.
"Alright then, so be it" I've never seen this small plump man
talk so serious "here is the prescription of the medicine you
are to take. Use it wisely, and eat properly."
I swallowed the huge ball in my throat as he continued
talking "There's no turning back Stella, remember that." He
said as he exited the room with his partner.
I just shook my head and put a hand over my forehead.
What have I done...
I walked alone in through the hallways as I stared at the
ground. What were they talking about? Were they serious?
Oh, gad, I should've told them!
I had already signed out and was on my way to the mall to
meet the girls. I pressed the button to the elevator on more
time before the doors slid open.
I had already entered the elevator and pressed the buttons
to the first floor.
Just as the doors were about to close, somebody else had ran
towards the doors and pushed them apart before sliding in
I didn't pay much attention to the person. I was too busy
thinking about what the doctor had meant.
The person coughed a couple of times before speaking. "What
are you doing here?'
"hmm" I said as I looked up at the person.
Wait... no way! "Brandon?" I said as I moved closer to him.
"Well, somebody's exited to see me!" Brandon said with a
smirk on his face.
Way to ruin a moment....
"Butthole" I mumbled silently under my breath.
Thank god he didn't hear me!
Suddenly, the elevator started shake and moved down
The power was going out and I was holding onto the railing
against the metal wall. As was Brandon.
But the force was so strong, It ripped my hands off of the
pole and into the arms of Brandon I fell.
That is, until the elevator moved up. Then was he ontop of
Brandon tried to get up but fell unsuccessfully on his butt...
with me underneath!
I mumbled underneath him.
God dude his fanny is firm!
I slapped him underneath since he hadn't noticed he was
still ontop of me.
When he finally did, he looked very bashful. Ohhh he
I got up and ran to the other side of the elevator as I
started sticking my tongue out and fanning it while making
fart noises.
I pretended to choke and started coughing rapidly. "Man
dude what comes out of your rear end?"
I feel to my knees dramatically and started hitting my
chest with my palms before fake fainting.
I was hoping that Brandon would start freaking out, and he
did, in a totally different way.
"Oh gods, Stella!" I heard him say as he ran towards me. I
felt him pick me up from my back and felt him squeezing
my stomach as if something had actually gotten stuck in my
throat causing me to cough for real. I thought I gave him a
hint that I was okay by coughing but he thought about
something else. Something much worse...
Brandon then sat ontop of my stomach and started pumping
his palms on my chest supposedly reviving my heart beat.
Brandon stopped for a minute and took my arm to
supposedly check my pulse.
Unfortunately, Brandon doesn't know where exactly to check
a person's pulse. He took my arm and pressed two fingers
against my elbow. He suddenly thought the worst!
Aww crap...
"Oh no, there's no pulse!" Brandon put two hands on my
shoulder and started shaking me. "Stella? Stella! Wake up!"
I felt the elevator start moving upwards.
Oh no.... no no no no no!
I tried to speak and open my eyes but he kept on shaking
I heard the elevator doors slide open. Brandon was still
shaking me rapidly and even "checked" for my pulse again.
I was waving my hands like crazy trying to tell him that I
was fine!
Of course, he hadn't noticed. I heard a crowd of people
gasp at the sight that was given to them.
It looked like Brandon was strangling me. And the
expressions on my face said exactly that.
I felt the elevator move up words again, the sound of the
elevators opening filling the small space, aside from his
"don't leave me now" shouts and my "get the hack off of
me" screeches.
Brandon looked for the last possible thing he could do to
"revive" me.
He let go of me and I fell back words before he tried one
more thing. By now, the doors were fully open.
"Wait, I know how to do CPR!"
"Nooo" I screamed as I waved my hands infront of me.
Gods these people have perfect timing.
My eyes were already open and I saw the crowd of people
watching us from the lobby.
I turned my head back towards Brandon but it was too late.
His lips were already on mine.
Good heavens, this isn't even close to CPR, but sweet cheddar
cheese this man can kiss.
It's too bad I wasn't in the mood for this joke fest.
Though his lips were on mine, my eyes were still open. I
admit that they were closed for a moment, but then I
realized something...
I pushed Brandon off of me as the crowd gasped.
I had to think of an excuse and quick. So, I lied right out
of my mouth. "He had tuna!" I screamed as I broke through
the crowd of people and onto the streets of Gardenia. I ran
into my house and straight into the room before locking
myself in and leaning against the door.
"I hate you" I screamed "I hate you!"
I had calmed down already was currently sitting on my bed
with my phone infront of me.
I had already called the girls and told them that I
wouldn't be able to go to the mall with them anymore.
The girls were really bummed out but let me off the hook
I laid down on the bed and took my phone with me.
I went over to the camera section and scrolled down the list
until I found the photo I was looking for.
It was the picture of Brandon sleeping.
Why is it that I feel complete when I'm with him? I feel...
I stared at the photo one more time, my eyes zeroing on the
things I was staring at that very day, and the same things I
got to feel ontop of my lips.
It's very weird.
The sensation his lips left on mine. It's unexplainable. It's
like his lips were meant to be on mine.
Suddenly, I felt warm liquid rising up from my stomach and
coming out of my throat.
I ran into the bathroom and leaned ontop of the toilet as
the liquid came out.
But something wasn't right.
The smell, the taste, the color.
Red, it's the color red.
I just threw up my own blood...
I took a towel from the nearby rack and started wiping my
mouth before I started coughing out and throwing up more
God, my stomach hurt like crazy and I couldn't really see
I got up slowly, using the sink as support as I felt my way
over to my room and to my purse where I put the pill bottle
after I got home.
I took the water bottle on my desk and took out about 5
painkillers before putting them all in my mouth and
swallowing it down.
By now I was sweating like crazy.
I found my way back to the bathroom and started rinsing
my mouth with the water.
I looked up and stared at my reflection in the mirror.
Although I couldn't see properly, I could see my reflection
Liar, coward, selfish, and afraid.
Those were everything I saw in my own reflection. Probably
everything I see in me.
I felt tears prick the front of my eyes and fall onto my
I am... dishonest

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