Chapter 4: Mirror Reflections

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I watched as some of the movers took some boxes from the
corner of the dining room, and store it into the trunk of a
white truck. We had just finished packing and storing most of
our belongings. Right now, my dad is helping some of the
movers put the couch into the truck, while my mom helps the
others store some boxes into our car.
As for me... I'm just watching everyone else do all the work.
Why you ask? Well... because right now... I'm eating pistachio
ice cream! Yup don't mind me... I'm just chill'n at the
But... I decided to set my ice cream down, and look around
the house that was now known to me as home. I actually
think that it's pretty stupid. It took me about 11 years to
finally accept this place as my new home, and right when I
do, my parents tell me that we're moving out!
I walked through the halls, and stared at what was left in
the house.
I felt like the six year old me when we first moved in. I was
just roaming the halls, and looking through the rooms.
I don't know how, but somehow I found myself walking up the
stairs and into the master bedroom. I breathed in the
familiar Shea butter scent of the room, and walked over to
the corner. I sat down on a white arm chair that was
covered with clear plastic. I looked around the room and
slowly observed my surroundings. To my left was a small glass
coffee table, or what I thought looked like a coffee table.
Pretty much everything was covered either with clear plastic,
or a white sheet. I turned to my right, and saw my mom's
little white vanity. I looked at my reflection in the mirror
from where I was standing, and just stared. I wasn't really
sure what was happening, but I thought I saw a little girl
staring back at me from the other side of the mirror.
I stared into her honey like eyes, and looked at her flowing
blond hair.
This was all too familiar... I was staring at little me.
It looked like "I" was crying. "My" little cheeks were stained
with tears, and my nose looked a little puffy. I couldn't help
but feel broken hearted at this sight. I remembered the day I
cried like that as if was just yesterday.
I got up from the armchair, and slowly walked over to the
little white vanity. As I got closer to the mirror, I could see
the little girl's frown curl into a slight smile. I was a little
confused at her motive. It looked like she was trying to tell
something. I felt as if she was mocking me.
Just as I reached the table and my finger brushed against its'
smooth surface, the little girl turned into dust.
Her small figure turned into another blonde who looked about
the age of twelve, to another girl who looked the age of 15,
to my original age. Only this time, it wasn't my reflection.
Well...maybe it was, but it wasn't my reflection at the
moment. The "me" inside of the mirror looked a little more
mature, like she knew something that I didn't, which is kind
of ironic since she is me.
I reached my hand out to touch the mirror. My hand didn't
seem to go through, but it did touch the surface of the
mirror. The girl inside didn't really react to my sudden
movement. All she did was nod, and then fade away. Her
figure then turned into my figure. I squinted a couple of
times to make sure it was really me!
Man was I losing it! First I had flashbacks of my childhood,
then, I've been having recalls of my past, and now, I'm seeing
"me" in different age forms through the mirror.
I shook my head in disbelief, and walked out of the room.
Then, I walked down the stairs, and out the door. My mom
and dad were already waiting for me in the car. Before I
entered the vehicle, I took one last look at the house that I
had just learned to call home. I took a deep breath, and
entered the car.
And before I knew it... we were gone....

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