Chapter 3: Recalling the Past

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Stella's pov

I walked up the stairs and to my room, when suddenly; I
stopped dead in my tracks. I didn't really know what
happened. I just remember stopping in the middle of the hall
way, and then having a major head ache.

I leaned against a nearby table that had some old photos of me when I was a
little girl. My eyes suddenly averted from across the hall, to
the picture with a little boy and girl in the park.

My vision started to blur rapidly as I let out a blood curling screech. I scrunched my eyes together as the pain hit my head.
"Stella" my mother called out to me in the kitchen, "are you
okay?", I heard the concern layered in her question.
I winced in pain one more time, and held my head. "yeah, I'm
fine", I called back

I pushed myself off of the table, and then waddled over to my
room. My head still hurt, and my vision was still a little

I stumbled into the medium sized room, and then flopped onto
my bed as I took a deep breath, and stared at the ceiling.
Suddenly, I started hearing voices. At first, I thought I was
hallucinating, but as the minutes passed by, I suddenly knew
why. I was recalling something from my past again.
"no mom", I heard, "I won't do it, I want to go home"
Then I heard another voice. It was my mother's. "Stella,
when will you understand, this is home!"

I closed my eyes once again, and buried my head in my pillow.
Still, I heard the voices.
"c'mon Stella, it's not that bad", I heard someone who I think
was my father say, "there is plenty of ice cream over here!"
"No daddy!", little me said, "I miss Brandon!"
"I know honey, I know"

I was at my breaking point already. I wanted this to stop. I
didn't want to remember any of this!
"Shut up!", I screamed, hot tears already pouring out of my
eyes, "get out of my head!'
I threw a nearby photo frame at the wall. It made a loud
clash, but when I walked towards the wall to pick it up, I was
surprised to find that it didn't break. I couldn't exactly see
the picture clearly since my vision was still a little blurred,
but as I ran my finger over the frame I felt no cracks.

I sunk to the floor, and leaned my back against the wall.
I just stayed on the ground, as stared into space. I started
to think.
I wasn't ready. I couldn't go back to the place I left 11 years
ago just yet, I didn't want to go back, I never wanted to
look back, but of course...nothing ever goes my way! Just my
I walked over to my table, and placed the picture on top of
it, putting the frame down face forward.
Then I walked out of my room, and down the stairs...


Sorry for the late update...
Hope you enjoyed it, till next time.

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