Chapter 15: it was you all along..

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Chapter 15: it was you all along..

2 weeks. For 2 weeks I had to look after that moronic
I groaned as I sat down at lunch at the girls' table. My, how
I've missed sitting here.
When I was taking care of Brandon, I couldn't even leave
his side. The only time I was allowed to leave him be was
when he went to the toilet, even though I had to wait for
him outside…
Taking a deep breath and letting it out as a sigh, I watched
as Helia walked Flora to the table.
It's pretty funny actually. How both of them like each other
but how Helia refuses to pop the question.
I closed my eyes for a while and put a hand on my head.
Opening back my eyes, I was met with chocolate brown ones.
"Huh?" I said as I stood up "What do you want Brandon?"
He had his eye brows raised and his face right infront of
mine. I saw him look down at my lips.
"Whoa there b-boy" I said as I pushed him away from my
face until we were in a reasonable distance from eachother.
"Can I help you?"
Brandon was still stuck in a daze, staring at my lips like he
did earlier. The only difference is that he was about a foot
away from me.
"Hellooooooooooooooooo" I snapped my finger infront of his
Brandon finally snapped out of his daze and slumped a
little before shrugging. "I want a fruit cup"
I stared at Brandon with my eyes narrowed and a hand on
my fork. "Then go get one."
"Yeah well, who's gonna feed me?"
I got up from me seat and started walking away as he
followed me, limping ever so slightly. "Um, yourself"
"But Stell!" Brandon whined as he followed me around the
Brandon looked like he was analyzing something as I
continued walking. Suddenly, he screamed, or more like
shouted… in a manly way.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! My ankle!" He said as
he lay on the floor cradling his leg while looking
I ran over to him and squatted beside him while moving his
head over to my face and looking around to see if he got
any bruises. I had no idea why my was staring into his eyes
the whole time. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,
Brandon! What happened? Are you hurt? Do you need an
ambulance? Ahhhhhh?!"
Yup, I made quite the scene.
"Aww" Brandon said as he used my shoulder for support
while getting up "So you do care! You know, now that I think
about it, I would like a fruit cup… and a pretty girl to feed
A stood up and glared at Brandon "You stink… like poo"
I pushed him back on the ground and started walking
towards the exit of the cafeteria.
Brandon stayed on the ground with a shocked expression
raising his hands up before shouting over to me "Can you at
least get me a fruit cup?"
I continued walking until a met the doors to exit the
cafeteria "Do it yourself hotshot, you've got legs, use em' "

Walking around the school with Bloom, I took out my phone
and checked my messages.
There was one from my mother. 'coming home late. Make
yourself some dinner. Luv you. Oh and If your father
doesn't come home early than lock him out'
I rolled my eyes and put my phone back in my pocket and
continued walking along with Bloom.
I was talking to Bloom about the project that Ms. Dufour
gave us before being stopped in the hallway by Brandon and
his "pals".
Helia and Timmy looked annoyed at the fact that they had
to be here, Nabu was in his own magical world at the
moment, and Sky had a steady stare on Bloom.
Brandon walked over to me and slung an arm over my
shoulder. "So, Stella"
"Hmm?" I said uninterested as I rolled my eyes.
"I got my fruit cup"
"Good for you" I said as I slung his arm off of me
I started walking away with Bloom but Brandon continued
stalking us.
"What?!" I came to a pause with Bloom
Brandon took a deep breath before speaking. "I want you to
come with me to a carnival this Saturday."
I turned around and started walking towards Brandon with
my finger pointed accusingly at him. "Wait, are you trying
to ask me out?"
Brandon's cheeks flushed "Wha? Pshh, no, why would I want
to go out with you? Are you stupid or something?"
"Mmm" I said with a slight smile. Aww, he's to chicken to
ask me out!
I moved closer to him while the other stared "So you like
Brandon's cheeks flushed even more "ha, no!"
"Okay" I said as I walked around Brandon and put my
mouth close to his ear "So you admit you like me?"
Brandon stepped back and looked at me with a hysterical
expression. "I never said that either!"
"Sure, sure" I said while grinning "well then why do you
want me to go with you?
Brandon rubbed the back of his neck "I don't know, since I
just got my cast and crutches off-"
"You got them off last week" I corrected
"Yeah, yeah, whatever" He said as he rolled his eyes "I
don't know, anything can happen"
I thought long and hard about this one…. Nope, not really
my answer was straight and direct. "Sure just pick me up at
5, and don't be late!" I said as I walked away leaving the
guys and Bloom speechless.
Ha, serves your right.
I walked along the hallway and exited the building before
walking over to the park to sit under the tree.
I walked past the ice cream truck and sat at my spot by the
good o' lake.
Sitting against the tree, I watched as I saw my father and
Cassandra strolled along the path with their hands
I literally just barfed in my mouth and rolled my eyes
before closing the world off and drifting away into my own
little world… until…
"Watcha doin here?"
My eyes snapped open and I stood up quickly with an angry
glint in my eyes, taking a deep breath before shouting.
"Gods Brandon, are you stalking me or something!?"
Brandon chuckled and plopped himself beside me. "Maybe,
maybe not"
I rolled my eyes and sat back again hoping, no, praying,
for a moment of silence that sadly… I wouldn't be getting
anytime soon.
Brandon always had to interrupt my moment of silence
didn't he?
"Well, this is nice" Brandon stated as he looked out into the
lake. "I should've brought a picnic basket. Would've made
our date a little more romantic"
I started coughing violently. "Ah, excuse me. We are most
definitely NOT on a date. And you followed me without me
knowing about. That proves that this isn't a date even
"Gee" Brandon said as he shook his head "Ever heard of
I took a deep breath and folded my arms as I leaned even
more into the tree.
"You know, I haven't been to this section of the park for a
whole 11 years. It feels kinda good going back to the one of
the places I spent most of my childhood in. I feel sort of…
I turned on my side as Brandon turned to look at me so we
were both facing each other. I used my elbows as support
while I lay on the ground. "How come you haven't been here
in 11 years?"
Brandon turned over to face me fully while looking into my
eyes. "Because when that one person I used to come here
with all the time left, they took a piece of me with them. It
just brought back so many memories that it hurt."
I watched as Brandon put his head down a little. He had
obviously just shared something very personal with me. I
decided that I should return the favor.
I tilted his head up a little so we were eye level and put on
a genuinely warm smile. "Hey" I told him with the smile still
on my face as I stared into his eyes "Its' okay. You're not
alone on that one. A strangely similar thing happened to me
Brandon looked back into my eyes and smiled also.
This… was truly weird. And I was still holding onto to his
He moved a little closer to me and put a hand on my back
while the other caressed my cheek. I just watched him do it,
leaning over a bit too while we still stared into each other's
He moved my head closer to his and turned his head a little
to make the lip lock easier.
Slowly he came forward, only centimeters away from my
I closed my eyes waiting for the connection, tilting my head
alittle also.
God, what was I doing? No, what was I thinking? I most
definitely do not affiliate with idiotic fruit cup loving
morons. But something about this moment felt right, and I
couldn't deny it.
Finally, I felt a warm pair of lips press against mine.
The contact was sensational, and boy was he a good kisser.
His lips were soft and warm and fit perfectly on mine. I
truly did wish that this moment could last forever.
Slowly, he pulled away and stared into my eyes as I stood
still, frozen and mesmerized by that one tiny little kiss.
Brandon got up slowly and started walking away as I stood
there on the ground, finally realizing something that I
should've before.
You, it was you all along!

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