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Melinda was going through the last file of the day when she was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Yes, come in." She answered absentmindedly.

"I guess someone is still very busy," Alex said as he entered her office.

Upon hearing his voice, Mel's face lit up as a smile appeared on her face. " She removed her reading glasses, dropped them on the table, and approached Alex who had already taken a seat on the couch.

Mel sat on his lap, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him passionately.

"I missed you," Mel said in between kisses.

"I miss you too, my love," Alexander replied.

"So how was work today?" He asked.

"It was okay but I was kinda distracted because your face kept on popping in my head," Mel said and they both chuckled.

"I got something for you,"

"Really?" Mel said, the excitement was very much evident in her voice.

Alex nodded and brought out a small box from his pocket and handed it to Mel. "Go on, open it." He encouraged.

Mel opened the box and the only thing she could say was "Wow."

"Do you like it?" Alex asked.

"I love it, Alex. Thank you," She gave him a quick kiss.

"You are welcome, my love. I'm glad you liked it." Alex said in between kisses.

Alex took the bracelet from the box and wore it for Melinda on her right wrist.

"It looks more beautiful on you." He said.

"It is. I promise to always cherish it." Mel said as she kept on admiring the bracelet on her wrist.

Alexander placed a long kiss on her forehead.

"So are you ready to go home?" He asked.

"Sure. Just give me two minutes to pack my things." Mel said as she stood up from his lap and proceeded to her desk to pack her stuff.

"Okay, let me help with that," Alex collected Melinda's laptop bag, leaving her with only her handbag.

"So, should we order Chinese for dinner or you want homemade food?" Mel asked as she stepped into the elevator.

"Homemade food?" Alex asked with his eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, homemade food by me," Mel said proudly.

To be honest, Alex thought Mel could not cook. But he dared not say it out aloud.

"Ohhhhh, Mel said as she nodded her head in realization. "I get it, you think I can't cook," She said pretending to be angry.

"I didn't say anything. You just made up those assumptions." Alex justified.

"I understand; everyone thinks the same thing." Mel said with a deep sigh.

"Everyone?" Alex said.

"Yup. Though I may be an only child, my mom brought me up well, she made sure I learnt how to keep a home which includes cooking. Even Dee and Nate did not believe I could cook until the day I decided to surprise them." Mel said as they came out of the elevator.

"I can't wait to eat dinner then." Alex smiled.

"Cooking is not just my hobby. I do it when I'm in the mood so count yourself lucky tonight." Melinda smirked.

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