Come Dance With Me

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A week after this incident, Jingyu left Beijing to Shanghai to wake up an uncle, his mother's brother. While close relatives flattered at the funeral of the deceased, he remained distant and silent. His family would stay and return two days later. He needed to come back earlier, there would be a Beijing jiu-jitsu championship that week and he should focus on his training.

As he drove his car down the road, he admired the landscape. The mountains, the open time, everything was so beautiful.

Jingyu had no restful nights of sleep. After facing death, he lost confidence in himself and felt fear of himself for the first time in his life. The one who always trained to be a great athlete, he who saved a young man from an assault not long ago, who would risk again to save someone's life ... was almost responsible for killing someone. It was such a stupid joke that, in his innocence, he could not imagine that there were people who could not swim. He always thought this was rare, but he seems to be wrong.

The next week before the championship went by in the blink of an eye even faster than previously thought. Jingyu won the championship, but by points. Jim was the type of athlete of extreme courage, and a lot of skill. His attack was a feline. It was phenomenal. But this time he put himself more on the defensive and counterattack, which caught his coach's attention.

Jim justified that he decided to use the defensive to try a new strategy, which worked, but this was not the bravery spirit of a high level fighter like Jim. There was some specific reason for him to be changing his strategy of fighting, which was always infallible.

After the championship, the week of Christmas approached. It was Christmas Eve.

Jingyu was reunited with his family. Her sister present with her fiancé. Your grandparents came to a family reunion. His mother and father arranged the supper for family dinner. Jingyu was the only one on the table. He had dinner with his family, but he was the only one who felt like he was not from this family.

While everyone was talking to, Jim got up and left. His mother watched him closely. She excused herself from the dinner table and left. She found her son sitting on a porch step. He approached behind his son. His eyes were far away, staring at that horizon.

"What are you thinking, dear?"

Said the mother as she sat next to him. Jim looked at his mother and smiled sweetly, but mother's heart knows what's going on with her children. She noticed a different look on her son. I've never seen such a look. It was an indecipherable look. Then she holds her face with both mother's hands. He looks deep into those eyes and says nothing. Jim smiles back at his mother. He knew she was trying to get something from that look.

"Your heart is restless. I can see in your eyes the anguish you hide."

"Nonsense, Mother, you see things."

"A mother knows what a son feels, even though he thinks he can hide it."

"Humph," he replied with a grunt and turned away.

"You know ... when you were little ... whenever something bothered you, you ran into the bush. I always found you sitting on a high spot to see the stars and kept looking at them as if they were your guide And once you told me that there was a star in particular that you would one day give her the name of the person who won your heart, and when that happens you would tell me the name of the star. "

Jim looked at his mother. He put his arm around her shoulder and brought her into a hug. They were silent for some time. No one dared to break the silence of that night of clear sky, which could see very little the stars in the sky.

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