As she packed Eggsy's older sibling instinct kicked in. Something was not right with Val. And he intended to find out what.

"Val. You alright?"

"Yeah. I'm fine doofus why wouldn't I be" she said chuckling. Though it was fake.

"Valentine Rose Hart don't give me the 'I'm fine' b*llsh*t and tell me what's wrong. I know I'm not much compensation for Roxy's girl talks but I try my best"

Val gave a sad smile in memory of Roxy. She was a great friend. A sister in fact. She was always there when Val needed her and Val was there when she needed her. Their sisterhood was one that many envied.

"It's Tequila isn't it, love?" Eggsy said.

Val gave him a queer look. "How did you know?"

"Older brother instincts. Now come on. Let it out"

Val gave a tired long sigh and laid out her troubles to Eggsy.

"I'm worried about him Eggsy. The rash doesn't look normal. It looks dangerous and I have a bad feeling in my gut it's not going to do him any good. He said he doesn't feel dizzy or sick it was just the rash. He hasn't been infected either and he told me he didn't take anything"

At the last sentence, Eggsy started to get suspicious.

"Are you sure he didn't take anything?" He asked.

"Of course I am Eggsy. Why would he lie about that?"

"Because I myself wouldn't want to scare away a good girl I'm trying to impress by telling her I do drugs" Eggsy thought.

"I don't know love. But I think you shouldn't worry about him. They got great doctors like Ginger here. He is going to be fine. He's strong. I mean he knocked all 3 of us out in a fight and we're one of Kingsman's best agents"

Val gave a dry chuckle. "I only got knocked out because I didn't focus. I didn't feel like such a super agent at the moment"

"Yeah but just because you didn't feel like one doesn't mean you aren't one"

"Wise words Eggsy"

Val finished checking if Eggsy had everything he needed and hugged him goodbye.

"I'm going to miss you brother"

"I'm going to miss you too sis. Remember, Tequila's going to be fine. Don't worry too much"

"Okay. Give Tilde my regards. Tell her I would love to see her again sometime"

"Will do love. Now I have to go"

"Take care Eggsy"

"Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone love"

"How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you"

The next few days passed by uneventfully...

Valentine kept to herself. Mostly reading in her room or spending a bit of time with Harry talking about the anatomy and species of different butterflies. She had hoped that spending time with him would atleast jog his memory about her.

But all that fails as Harry speaks of plans to go home to his butterfly collection. Still she tried her best to remain happy and bubbly like she always is.

She knew she had to stay strong to lift them up. But no one was lifting her up and she was trying her best to hold on. She was also getting pretty angsty about when she could get back in the field but decided to be patient.

She went into the sick bay where Tequila was being held. When she went in, Ginger and Merlin were there and she greeted them "Good afternoon"

Tequila was sound asleep and Ginger was doing a vitals check on him.

"How is he?" Val asked worriedly.

"Looks like the rash is caused by a poison" Ginger said.

Val's heart dropped and she glanced at Tequila worriedly. "How bad is it?"

"I don't know for sure. The poison seems to be working slowly"

"Hey Val. Look at this. Eggsy sent this in from Glastonbury" Merlin said showing her a picture of people having the same blue rash.

"And #bluerash is trending on Twitter" he added showing dozens of other people on Twitter with a blue rash.

"Have you found any correlations between these cases?" Merlin asked.

"Only recreational drug use" Ginger said.

Val's eyes widened in shock and she looked at Ginger in surprise. "W-what?" She automatically spat out.

"I know. Not very Statesman like. Tequila here, he was always our resident bad boy"

Val gazed at an unconcious Tequila with a sad look. Her heart was now slightly cracked. She knew from the moment she met him that he was the bad boy type but she wasn't expecting this. It hurt even more because he lied to her. He told her he didn't take anything.

"Val, I thought he told you he didn't take anything" Merlin said.

"Well he obviously lied to me" Val replied with a humorless laugh. She turned to Ginger. "You think this has something to do with the Golden Circle?"

"A drug cartel, poisoning it's customers? It doesn't make any sense"

Soon Merlin and Ginger exited the room but Val stayed sitting on a chair beside the bed. She just stared at him in his sleep wondering about what goes on in his head.

She made sure he was sound asleep before playing with his fingers. She compared his hands with hers. They were much bigger and her hers were much more petite.

She really hoped he would be fine. He after all, was the one thing that has kept her sane all this time. She couldn't lose him too.

Val knows Tequila lied to her, she's barely holding on with fake smiles and emotions. How long can she keep the act up?

Read on! Get tipsy on Tequila!

Mr. Bad Boy and Miss Cordially Posh (Kingsman 2 Agent Tequila)Where stories live. Discover now