Arms -- small and skinny arms swallow me in their hold and I soon hear my mother whispering in my ear to find peace in my mind, to let it all go.

For the very first time since I came back from the adventure I witnessed and can call one of the best adventures of my live, I crave and actually get her comfort.

Loud cries are being heard and the beating of my heart is finding its regular rhythm again. Letting the air escape out of my lungs and breathe back in my restless body, I slowly pull myself out of the black hole and I land back on the surface.

As humans we ruin everything we touch, including eachother. We ruin eachother without knowing we do. Breaking into eachothers thoughts, feelings and emotions we
destroy them all.

"I am proud of you darling,"
I open my eyes to see my mother staring down at me and her eyes lock with mine. She smiles at me and caresses the skin of my cold hands.

Letting my eyes wander around the room, I see no more police officers staring at me and I let out a puff of air. My stained cheeks slowly drying and my cracked lips are being moistened by my tongue.

"They left the room."
My mother confirms my thoughts and I nod as an answer, not really full of energy to give her more. My body (& brains) are drained. As tired as they can possibly be.

"Darling, you can not constantly run away, you must face it now."
She starts and her hands squeeze mine and I return the tiny message.
"If you don't get it off your chest,
you'll never be able to breathe."

I nod, knowing she is right. This can not go on like this forever. I can not lead my life like this any further.

It breaks me.

"I know, mother. I-I just don't know what to do. Nobody understands me. And-,"
she cuts me off. Her voice in a whisper, barely heard in the sad atmosphere we are located in.

"Nobody will understand you. Nobody knows what you have seen, heard, felt. Nobody knows what you have been through. This is your thing and it is yout duty to end this and make your own decisions. I will stand with you, no matter what."

I frown and look at her, questioning her sudden attitude. Different from what I have seen all this time.

Before she can even explain everything and answer me, we are being interrupted by the three police officers that step into the room again.

I catch myself rolling eyes and mentally prepare myself. I have to be strong for my lover, I have to show them he does not belong in prison. He belongs next to me and deserves mental help, because once they see through all of that, they see the real Harry.

The one I have grown to love and the one who showed me how it actually is to be loved and appreciated. He is the one who saved me in every way possible and I will do everything to prevent and awful future
upon his faith.

"As mentioned before Harry Styles
is caught and we have him
under our power,"
I close my eyes because of the way they talk about how they caught him and they see me flinching away.

"We are keeping an eye on him-"
This is impossible, I can not just stay calm and let them talk, I want to see him. I want to feel him and talk
to him.

"Where is he?"
I stand up and tears are already forming in the corners of my eyes, my vision getting blurry and my throat becoming sore.

"Easy ma'am,"
The one on the right warns me and his dark brown -- almost black eyes pierce right through me and I understand that if I want to see him, I have to keep quiet.

I sigh and sit back next to my mother.
His warning body language dissapears and the one who warned me clears his throat.

"We found him in his house and suprisingly he did not resist. It was an easy job to get him here. If you would want to come with us to the station, where we will question you again."

I shake my head and my hands turn into fists out of sudden anger.
"Let me see him."

They all nod, that was easy. Easier than I expected it to be.

I let out an relieved sigh and the police officers stand up and make their way out. Ready to follow them out, I step into their directions but my mother pulls me back.

"I am coming with you."
And it does not even bother me anymore, nothing triggers me.
The only thing my mind is set on, is the fact I am going to see him. After all this time of suffering and crying he will be in my arms and I will see him.

I run into the car and everything happens too slowly. They drive too slowly, talk too slowly, breathe too slowly, lead me into the
building too slowly.
I can not take it anymore.

The moment my car door is opened,
I run out and my feet carry me towards the information desk where a woman sits behind. Her stern eyes stare at me and she clears her throat. Her long red nails scraping the wood of the white desk.

"How may I help you?"
My lips part and I am ready to speak up, when the presence of another is next to me and I look up to see one of the police officers at my right.

"She is here to see Harry Styles."
She nods and tells us the room he is kept in. The police officers, who now tells me his name finally; Paul Johnson, leads us into different hallways.

The beating of my heart is loud, so loud I can assure you everyone hears it and I could not care less.
With long strides we reach a door, room 54. His room. I want to scream, cry and laugh but I know better.

Keep quiet and everything will
be in your favour.
Johnson looks down at me and the only thing I do is nod, on which he grasps the doorknob and the door creaks open, the wooden thing sliding over the ground.

The door that leads me to where Harry is and with my mother and Johnson next to me, I enter his room.


OMG!! He is hereeeeee! Sorry for all the chapters he was not in it. But I will make up for it, I promise. Next one will be one to cry for, be prepared. Thoughts about this one? Vote, comment and share.

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