Stanley Uris

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"All I want is for you to want me!"

  Y/N watched as Stanley biked up to the school with his friends. Stanley and Y/N were once best friends always sharing secrets and being there for each other but Y/N grew away from Stanley.

Soon hanging out with the popular kids. "Y/N c'mon why are you looking at those losers?!" She looked away and sighed "I don't know!" She mumbled "They're a waste of your time Y/N trust me!" Her best friend sassed.

Y/N missed Stanley of course she did they were best friends for ten years. And she has to admit when she was nine she grew a crush on the Jewish boy and she was confused.

She couldn't figure out if she still had it or not it was a mystery. When he would help her in classes she'd get a burning sensation in her chest. Her hands would shake and grow cold. And she could barley talk.

She stood in front of her locker putting in the combination, She pulled the lock but it wouldn't come undone "What the hell?!" She mumbled.

She tried it again and it wouldn't open, she grew frustrated and hit her locker. "I can help you!" She jumped at the sudden voice and turned to be faced with Stanley.

"Um y-yeah that would help a lot!" She smiled and moved out the way, Stan had already knew the girls combination because he's had to help her before but he wanted to stay a little longer.

"What's your combination again?" He asked looking down at the Girl "Um I-it's uh 7-18-32? I don't k-know try that!" He nodded and messed it up on purpose "Sorry!"

He did it again and open her locker, "Thank you Stan!" His knees grew weak at her smile "Welcome!" He stood beside her while she grabbed her books.

"What?" She asked nervous in why he stayed "Nothing I just think I deserve something back I've helped you so many times" she looked down at her feet.

"Yeh but I have nothing to give you!" He wiped his sweaty hands on his pants "You know what I want?" He asked not sure what he'd reaction is gonna be to what he wants.

"W-what Stanley?" He took a deep breath "All I want is for you to want me!" He admitted she was taken back "Oh gosh!" She mumbled, he knew he took it too far.

"S-sorry" he mumbled. She knew how she felt now she knew that Stanley deserved something in return.

She stepped forward and went on her tippy toes and gave him a very passionate kiss but it ended quickly. She didn't want to get in trouble for kissing in school grounds.

"Thank you Stanley for your help!" She smiled wide and then skipped away leaving Stanley as red as a tomato.

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