Dating them includes (Richie Tozier)

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•"aren't you a little young to be buying condoms?"
•Sex every sleep over
•"Can you stop hogging my pillows?"
•"CaN yOu stoP HoGginG mY PilLoWS?"
•Him always forgetting his glasses at your house
•You getting jealous all the time
•Him always wanting to make out
•"Wow hey Sexy girl you gotta boyfriend?"
•His mom loves you
•Your parents don't know how to feel about him
•Your parents finding condoms in your trash
•"Y/N and Richie I think we should have a talk!"
•"What mom?"
•"So I found these!"
• going on crazy Adventures together
•always ditching class to be together
•His dick is actually the size he says it in
•Him always making sure you're alright
•You're the only one who has saw his soft side
•"Awe is my little Richie crying!"
•"Babe promise you won't tell anyone I'm crying?!?!"
•You always sneaking off to his house at night after midnight
•One fight every two months
•You being his rock and him being yours
•Him slapping your butt a lot
•You're not aloud to touch his butt but you still do

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