Chapter 3: No More

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"Son... there is some things I need to tell you..."

The king finally began with a hoarse voice, making Mon-El even more worried. He leaned forward showing that he was all ears. The king looked at his prince quizzically for a moment as if to question he had made the right decision when he continued.

"Next week we are hosting the royal family of Byrnian. It will be mostly about assuring them of our alliance with them and we need you to be there."

Mon-El didn't like where this was going but didn't say anything while his father continued.

"The daughter of Byrnian monarchy is going to be here and we need you to keep her company for a few days."

Mon-El was getting more upset as the possibilities crossed his mind. "Father what are you suggesting?" His eyes widened, and his father almost frowned at him, changing from its previous indifferences.

"Son, we need you to marry the Byrnian princess as a part of our union. This shall strengthen our relationship with them and increase the wealth of our nation."

Mon-El was beyond shocked. He couldn't form a sentence in his mind to reject this offer as quickly as he wanted to. In all the years he was forced to obey his parents, Mon-El didn't imagine they would go as far as forcing him to marry someone. He knew in Daxam's culture latch marriages were normal. But as the prince, he always believed that he would have the privilege to choose his own mate. Otherwise, what good being a prince was for?

He looked furiously at his father and for a moment he saw a flash of sorrow on his face.

"Mon-El, I know this is unexpected and difficult, but you have a duty to Daxam as the crowned prince. "

Mon-El couldn't take the talk of arranged marriage anymore, bolting up to walk a few steps away, before exploding.

"Is that my duty? Or is this you trying to make up for the empty vaults and the enemies waiting to enact their revenge us? Why am I the one who has to pay for all that you and mother do?! Do you even care about what I want?!"

Glaring at his father, Mon-El clenched his fists, shaking from his effort to keep his raging wrath under control. Emotions bottled up for years billowed just beneath the surface, causing his chest to feel like flames. His father also stood up from his place and held his hand up, asking him to calm down.

"Son, please. I know this is too much to ask of you, but you have to understand the situation isn't good. If you refuse to do this, Daxam will lose a great ally and a lot of people will have to pay for it."

"Since when do you care about the people?" Mon-El gritted his teeth and immediately saw how hard the words struck his father. Lar Gand's face turned red as his eyes glowed with anger.

Mon-El wasn't sure how long they stayed locking eyes with one another before his father finally spoke.

"You are too immature to understand. I will not tolerate you talking like this to your father and your king! You will do as I say, and later, you will realize this is for the better!"

And with that, Mon-El watched as his father turned sharply to leave the room.

His heart dropped as felt a lump forming in his throat. His father was half way through the door when Mon-El stopped him with a hushed voice. "Then why don't you make me realize now?"

The king gripped the golden doorknob so hard that his knuckles turned white, turning to look at Mon-El. His expression was not one of anger he was expecting, instead, his father seemed...sad.

"One day you will understand."

Lar held his son's gaze for a few more seconds and Mon-El felt like his father wanted to say more. But he just nodded and left. Mon-El stood where he was for a long time before going on the balcony, feeling out of breath from all the emotions inside him. The cold and dry weather did little for him. He closed his eyes and let out a long breath, before opening them to see his breath swirling in a white smoke before him. He thought maybe with his party tomorrow night, he could forget everything for at least a day.

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