Eleventh Spring Part 1

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After a year, you finally decided to go visit Hobi, it was a bit unkind and unfriendly if you didn't.

You went to his mansion, the place that had made you envious for years.

You knocked on the door, and an old lady opened, she looked at you and asked, "You're Kang Y/n, right?"

You nodded with confusion,  the lady took you inside and leaded you upstairs.

She showed you a room that seemed like it belonged to Hobi, and left you there.

It was big and spaceful inside, but that wasn't the first thing that caught your eyesight.

It was the paintings.

Potraits and potraits of your face hung on the wall. They were all expressed in different ways, one looked cubic, the other looked abstract, and some looked exactly like you.

They all looked so realistic and unrealistic at the same time, every picture resembled you.

You were so beautiful, so flawfless and so perfect, touching you in every way.

You never knew that he could paint so well as you traced each painting with your fingers, feeling the rough textures of the pigment.

You collapsed onto his big bed, an unknown pressure forming in your chest.

You felt a thick book beneath the blankets.

Curiously, you took the book out of the sheets. The book was marked, 'Spring Note' with a green marker.

You opened the book carefully, the first page was written with crayon, the hand writing looked like a kid.

"Today I saw a girl she is pwetti and she is a princess." It said, with a drawing of a girl wearing red dress and purple shoes.

You memorized, that was exactly how you looked for the first day of pre-school. You smiled warmly at how cute small Hobi was.

You flipped the page, the second page was written with pencil, but it still looked like a child's hand writing.

"Y/n likes spring I am going to write all the special spring days I see her."

-Grade 1

He drew a picture of leaves and flowers for this page, you then immedaitely stopped smiling... This book was for you! You turned to the third page, desperate to find out more.

"Y/n doesn't listen in class because she's clever."

-Grade 4 spring

"Today Jiyeon told Y/n that we look cute, but she said we are only friends... Then Solji wants to be my girlfriend, but I don't like her. Why didn't Y/n help me?"

-Grade 5 spring

He drew a picture of you sitting by the window, looking at the tree leaves.

You couldn't believe how accurate these were, how he drew every detail and emotions in his pictures.

"I went to France and I bought Y/n a pretty box and she likes it! I knew that she likes those green gems!"

-Grade 6 spring

Now you couldn't breathe, something in your chest kept pressuring her, it was growing bigger and bigger.

The fifth page was in blue pen and the hand-writing was much more neater.

"Today was Y/n's birthday! I bought her 13 purple roses because she's 13! But she doesn't seem to like it... It looked like she didn't like the smell, I should never get her flowers anymore! And I kissed her hand today, I'm so happy!"

-Grade 7 spring

The next page was written with black pen.

"Y/n did the freshman speech today, I'm proud of her... But why didn't she help me when they tried to grab my camera!? Luckily, I kept it safe and I've still got the nice pictures I took of her. When I asked her why, she told me to lose excess baggage... Am I that fat to her? I need to start gyming!"

-Grade 8 spring

You felt breathless, your eyes were already circling with tears, you cupped your mouth from screaming.

He wasn't bullied because of his size, they were trying to take his camera.

And there below the paragraph were photos of you giving your speech... Also tear stains and blood stains on the page.

He was trying to protect the pictures he took for you.

"I miss Y/n... She came back from Japan vacation! And she bought me an eraser!!!" 

-Grade 9 spring

The eraser was stuck onto the page, not even opened or used a single bit.

"I need to start thinking why I'm always stalking Y/n, it's so bad but I can't stop capturing her beauty. Today I took pictures of her in cherry blossoms. She looks so good in pink... And looks so good with that guy over there. I need to stop! Why am I doing this!!!? You said his name is Taehyung and he's got some beautiful eyes... But what about my eyes?"

-Grade 10 spring

Your tear dropped onto the page, you bit your fingers to stop feeling so pressured and miserable.

"Your eyes were the purest and shiniest eyes I've ever seen!" You howled, choking.

"I can't stop hanging out with Y/n. She told me that I'd look gay... But seriously, as long as I'm with her and make sure that she's ok, I wouldn't care or mind if people called me gay. She was looking at a pair of emerald earrings... Does she like them?"

-Grade 11 spring

Your face was now deep red as you sobbed violently, screaming on the top of your lungs, you don't understand why you were crying so much.

"Y/n told me that she wants to go to Hawii with someone she loves, and I promised that I'd take her. I've finally recognized what my head and my heart goes to. I love Y/n, I love her so much. I bought her the pair of earrings she wanted and I told her to wait for me at the garden... But she never showed up... Y/n, do you hate me that much? I want to tell you about my feelings so badly!!!"

-Grade 12 Spring

You coughed as if you were suffocating and your tears were unstoppable. You never ever knew that he liked you, now it was clear, he loved you.

"Spring without Y/n was boring... But I know she's doing well without me, after a year, I still can't clear my mind and admit the truth that I can't forget her."

-19 years old Spring

The next page was an envelope and in there was a letter:

Dear Y/n

I don't know if you'd read this... But I hope you do.

I always wanted to tell you I love you, I fell in love with you the moment since pre-school. I'm such a braveless coward that I had no guts to tell you this, but please compliment me upon my bravery over agreeing to do the surgery. This pair of earrings I always wanted to give you. Live without me safely and peacefully, ok?

Once again, I love you.

Jung Hoseok.


You finally found out why you felt so unsure and unclear before, but when you heard the news about him, you'd suddenly cheer up.

It was because of him.

"Hoseok-" you sobbed, "I-I actually love you!!!" 

"How could I not know!!!!"

"Why am I so foolish!!!"

You took the earrings from the envelope and clutched the letter and book with you, running outside.

You needed to see him immediately.

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