Seventh Spring

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The cherry blossoms in the school garden were starting to fly all around the grass, petals would land on your hair if you walk on the pathway by the garden.

You loved this place, it was so dreamy, so romantic and so 'spring'!

You decided to drop your bag down and just enjoy the beautiful view.

You played with the petals that were falling down one by one, there was barely anyone at school, so you relaxed yourself and inhaled the fragrance.

It was such a great sight, but you felt something else.

Someone was staring at you.

You looked up, and there stood a handsome guy with the cutest smile ever, wondering at you.

His smile was contagious, it caused you to smile back, he smiled even deeper when he saw that.

At the age of 16, falling in love was pretty reasonable for any girl, right?

Everything seemed to stop moving, except for him, walking towards you slowly.

Your head was blank and your heart was thumping. You had never felt like this before.

"Hi, I'm Taehyung" He said.

You fell in love with his magnetic deep voice and his attractive eyes that seemed to look through you.

"H-hi," You said nervously, "I'm Y/-"

"I know, Kang Y/n," Taehyung interrupted, "You're the freshman speaker."

You laughed awkwardly, "That was a few years ago..."

He reached his hand out of his pocket, tucking the strands of hair behind your ear.

"I know," He said softly, "I always wanted to talk to you after that."

Your face was probably flushed red, he was definitely the 'him' that you had been dreaming for days.

Taehyung took your hand and wrote something on it with a pen, "Call me."

He walked away slowly not breaking his smile.

This was the best spring that you have encountered.

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