"It's true"

"I really thought you and Eggsy were a couple though. I mean he calls you 'love' a very common British endearment and when I pinned you to a wall he looked like he wanted to feed me horse sh*t"

Val giggled. "Yeah well that's just Eggsy being Eggsy. We have a sibling like relationship. I see him as a brother and he sees me as his little sister"

"It's ironic that someone with your name never had a boyfriend before. Why are you named Valentine anyway?"

"Huh. Funny you should ask. I asked my father the same thing when I was 18. It's all from coincidence of important events landing on February 14th. Valentines Day" she took a deep breath knowing this was going to be a long explanation.

"My father met my mother on Valentines Day. He also gained the courage to ask her to be his girlfriend on Valentines Day. He proposed to her February 14th. They married on February 14th. And my birthday...." she trailed off.

"Sh*t don't tell me"

"Yep. February 14th. Hence the name Valentine Rose Hart"

"F*ck, call it coincidence I call it twisted fate"

"Whatever floats your boat"

Just then, he pulled out a pack of cigs twirling one between his fingers. He lit it and started to smoke when he saw the uncomfortable look on Val's face.

"You alright there Valentine?" He asked.

Val realized it was the first time he said her name as she perked up from her slouch to full attention.

"Val. Valentine is a mouthful"

"No I like Valentine and I'm calling you whatever the hell I want so you don't really have a choice"

Val smiled sipping her drink before saying "Yeah alright"

"You still haven't answered the question. You okay?"

"No it's fine. I'm just not used to cigarettes. My father never really smokes and I have minimized exposure to them" Val answered. "But i-it's fine I can handle second hand smoke"

Tequila shook his head. "Nah if it makes you uncomfortable then I guess I could smoke another time" he said crushing the cigarette with his bare hand before throwing it onto an ash tray.

It was a simple act yet her heart warmed at the gesture.

The rest of the night, they spent talking about each other since they were mutually interested and curious about one another.

Val told him about her position in Kingsman as Guinevere and how her mother used to have that position before her death. She also told him of the Christmas tradition she had with her father in connection to what she was doing there at the balcony with milk and cookies.

Tequila told her about his past job before Statesman and they had a small argument whether whisky was spelled with or without an 'e'. He also told her about the great sites in Kentucky and told her she should take time to see it and even offered to be her guide after the whole situation she had was done.

She answered every question he had about her as he answered every question she had about him. They were laughing away about a prank he had pulled on Ginger once hacking into her computer keyboard and making it say unspeakable things.

"You're so mean!" She said between laughs and clutching her aching stomach.

"Well you're laughing too which also makes you mean. Besides, that's part of the reason you call me Mr. Bad Boy. We all know girls fall for that type" he said smirking

"Are you always this cocky?"

"Only when I have someone to impress Ms. Cordially Posh"

"Mhmm" Val hummed. "Which is all the time I reckon"

Suddenly a "Val, love? Are you here?"

It was Eggsy. His worried face popped up from the balcony doors and he sighed a breath of relief when he saw Val yet tensed up seeing who was keeping her company.

"Bloody hell love it's 3 in the morning. What are you doing here?" Eggsy said rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"I woke up and couldn't sleep so I came here. Tequila kept me company"

"Hell I was worried sick when I woke up and you weren't there"

"Sorry Eggsy. I'll leave a note next time" she said kissing his cheek.

Tequila didn't understand the hot sensation bubbling up in his stomach and making him clench his fist. It was an aggresive emotion he couldn't point out.

"Maybe you should try and get some more sleep before daylight comes eh? We got a long day ahead" Eggsy said.

"Sure. I think the milk I had would help me sleep" she turned to Tequila her smile challenging the twinkle of the stars "Thanks for keeping me company Tequila. Goodnight"

"Goodnight Valentine" he said giving a small smile back.

Eggsy nodded to the man. "Thanks for keeping her safe bruv"

She were about to walk out after Eggsy when Val remembered.

"Oh right! Your hat!" She said removing it from her head and deliberately placing it on his backwards and in a lopsided way making him let out a chuckle.

"Thanks for letting me borrow it. Goodnight again Tequila. Try and get some sleep!" she shouted as she went to catch up with Eggsy.


Eggsy watched Valentine as they walked back to their room...

There was a certain skip in her step as she seemed to trod along happily humming a tune. She looked like she had her head in the clouds and almost bumped into certain objects, if it weren't for Eggsy thrice already.

He looked at her queerly and wondered what was up with her.

"Love, you alright?" He asked her.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" She asked with a smile.

"It's just that you seem distracted and extra.... I don't know bubbly? If that's even possible"

"What's your point?"

"My point is you're acting like me since I had Tilde. You catch my drift?"

Val suddenly stopped in her tracks. "That's absurd Eggsy. Now how about we get some more sleep huh?"

They went back to their room. She laid in bed. She still couldn't sleep. Eggsy's words echoed in her ears and she couldn't blink without thinking about an alcoholic beverage and a cowboy hat.

This chapter was pretty much just getting Tequila and Val to know more about each other and for them to spend some time together.


Mr. Bad Boy and Miss Cordially Posh (Kingsman 2 Agent Tequila)Where stories live. Discover now