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~Inks POV~

I concentrated my power and started to think about (Y/N) and Blueberry, once I was concentrated on my power and then I saw a glimpse of them and a house... wait... I know that house! "Error! I know where they are! We gotta go!" I got up opened a portal and jumped through Error following close behind.

~Errors POV~

We are coming to save you my prince/princess and our little Blueberry!

~(Y/N) POV~




That's all we got battered bruised and abused, this needs to stop! It has gotten to the point where I'm wanting to take Blueberry's place cause there's literally a crack going down his skull! They can't keep doing this to him! I won't let him!- my thought got cut short when the door opened and revealed


The monster that took us, I was so tempted to grab Blueberry and make a run for it... but the door closed, I was too late

"UnderFell Papyrus! Just let Blueberry go! He's done nothing to deserve this!" I shouted in the tall skeletons face, not scared if he decides to slap me

"Nonsense you annoying brat! Blueberry's done more than he's willing to admit..." he growls, I look over to Blueberry and think to myself 'more than he's willing to admit, what does that mean..?'

I jumped in surprise when UnderFell Papyrus fell to the floor unconscious I looked up to the door, it was no longer closed and there stood Ink and Error! I run up to them and hugged them both, I was so scared that Blueberry and I were going to be stuck here forever! But our heroes have arrived! Both Error and Ink hug back

"LeTs Go SwEeTiE, iM pReTtY sUrE yOu WaNt To Go HoMe NoW, aM i RiGhT?" He asks a nod my head 'I just wanna get out of this hell hole!' I think to myself as Error teleports us all home

Edit- alright so thank you for the support of this book! Ignore the title I will definitely be continuing the book! The only reason I thought about ending it here is that I don't really think I'm all that good at writing and I'm not very creative/running out of ideas I have however thought of one idea that will last a bunch of chapters

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