Part 6 runaway~

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~Your POV~

I hear a portal open I turn to see the skeleton from my dream with Fell, Fell ran up to me and hugged me "I missed ya, you brat" he laughs a little. " I missed you too you numb skull" I smile then we hear movement I look over to see Blueberry waking up me and Fell went over to him and as he woke up he instantly smiles and hugs me and Fell with stars in his eyes as usual though they seemed to sparkle this time. I hear someone cough behind us I turn to see that ma- skeleton "umm h-hi ma'am/sir" he said kinda nervous." Hi, my name is (Y/n) what's your name mister skeleton" I said very cheerily." Oh uh, I'm Ink nice to meet you" Ink said smiling. We were talking but then we heard someone moving we all look over to see Error waking up we all stayed still and quiet Error gets up and looks at me then to Blueberry then he sees Fell and Ink and growls Fell grabs Blueberry and Ink grabs me and paints a portal open Fell goes through it while holding Blueberry then Ink goes through while holding me.

~Inks POV~

I opened a portal to undertale so we could get away from Error
Once we were through (Y/n) looked scared were Blueberry looked terrified

~Error POV~

I watched as Ink took my princess/prince away I fell to my knees as a tear slipped down my cheek bone I wiped it away and got on my feet and opened a portal.....

A glitch (error sans x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora