Part 14 ~in danger~

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~Your POV~

As we were walking I saw some clowns (sorry) some didn't look creepy they where young and only had face paint for roses cheeks but some looked scary me and Blueberry wouldn't go near them then Error and Ink laughed at us a bit which made me want to slap them cuz bro you Do Not laugh at me or the adorable Blueberry but I couldn't cuz other people where around and they'd question me(and I'm socially awkward so I'd be scared and freaking out cuz I wouldn't know what to do) so yeahhhhh but any way we where walking towards the circus tent cuz a show was gonna start soon

~Magical Time Skip Cuz I Need To K Trust Me Alright~

At the end of the show me and Blueberry were so full of energy we ran around outside of the huge circus tent then started to run further and got cotton candy Blueberry got super hyper which scared me because I never knew he could get more hyper than he normally is but its possible apparently.

After a while of running around, I had finally realized me and blueberry weren't in the circus anymore but out in the street and I couldn't find Error or Ink...I thought they were following us but they're not here "Blueberry?" I asked "Yeah?..." He whispers in reply, I look over to him and see that he is scared "uhh Blueberry are you ok?" I question "J-just a lil' bit scared" he answered with a stutter I go up to him and hug him "it's gonna be ok Blueberry as long as we can find our way home we'll be alright" I told him he nodded and hugged back "ok (Y/N), but where are we gonna stay?"
Blueberry asked I looked at him for a moment then looked around and found an empty ally (don't go down a shady ally way on real life ok) "well we could stay in that ally way just until morning ok" I answered after a bit of thought "hmm..alright I trust you (Y/N)" he trusts me 'aww blueberry is sooo cute!' I mentally screamed I laugh a little "well thank you for trusting me Blueberry" I smile at him and he smiles back and hugs me we walk into the ally my arm around Blueberry just to protect him in case someone tries to hurt him.

We sit behind a bunch of boxes so no one or no monster see's us because not all monsters (*cough*Undyne*cough*) are the nicest when you first meet them I sit there petting Blueberries skull until he fell asleep.

It took me a while to fall asleep because it was getting colder and colder as it got darker and darker also there were some noises in the trash cans earlier but it was just an innocent kitten I named her Moonlight (I'm not that creative sorry) it was an almost fully black cat but it looked like it had the moon on its forehead and it had white dots that look like stars she was so cute I fed her a few breadcrumbs that where in a bag that Error gave me a while back to feed birds

And eventually, I fell (hehe fell like underfell fell sans and papyrus! Sorry) into a dreamless sleep

~Time skip to daytime! Brought to you by the adorable Asriel~

I woke up to Blueberry...crying...? Why was he crying I open my eyes but I can't see... Something is covering my eyes and I'm tied up 'where am I!?!? Why is blueberry crying!? I swear if someone hurt him I'll...ill hurt them! He's too sensitive for this crap!' I shout to myself in my thoughts "(Y-(Y/N) a-are you...are you awake yet...are you still alive please tell me you're ok human!!!!!" He shouts stutters and cries a lot more "hey...hey...shh..I'm ok's ok...I'm fine...we will get out of here... And we will both be perfectly fine..." I try to calm him down I think it worked because as soon as I stopped talking he hugged me in a very tight hug "heh...I don't know about perfectly but...I hope we do get out of here" he said much quieter than before.

"Why wouldn't we be perfectly fine..?"I asked

"I mean well both be alive and happy when we escape so we will be fine.." He kinda half avoided half answered my question

"Are you hurt Blueberry?!"I ask him or well kinda shouted at him

He sighed and undid the blindfold that was keeping me from seeing him and when I reopened my eyes it hurt my heart at what I saw and I gasped "w-who did this to you?" I asked him concerned about him his skull had bruises across it "I-I'm f-fine (Y/N) I p-promise it only hurts..uh...little it only hurts a little a promise" he faked a smile hoping I'd buy it so I just went along with it "as long as you're alright Blueberry..." I sighed he looked at me with worry and concern "Uhm I'm not the one whose badly injured though..." He said looking me straight in the eye "wha-what do you mean?" I asked him really confused at the moment "Uhm...well let's just..." He had trouble explaining it to me so he reached up to my face and touched my cheek it stung when he touched my cheek and when he moved his gloved hand away his glove had blood on it " have a few cuts here and there but....on your leg isn't just a cut they dug really....deep w-with the knife..." He told me I stared at him for a while then looked at his glove with the blood on it and fainted

~time skip tonight brought to you by Mettaton~

When I woke back up from fainting I wasn't tied up anymore and Blueberry wasn't here anymore I looked around the room I think it's still the same one I didn't pay attention much to the room I was too busy worrying about Blueberry but there wasn't much to the room anyway to even make me want to look at it, it was just boring grey walls floor and ceiling one light that was flicking on and off all the time it also had one very small window I stood up and went on my tiptoes to look out of it, it was way too dark to see anything all I could see was the moon and the stars they were very pretty to look at (I love space) I would have smiled if I weren't in a creepy room I walked over to the other side of the room and sat in a place I could still see out the window I kept looking to the door every few minutes to see if something would happen ....but nothing ever did....
After a few more minutes of just starring out the small window, I ended up falling asleep

~Errors POV~

'Where did they go!!!' I screamed to myself "InK hAvE yOu FoUnD tHeM!?" I shout in a panic 'where could they be (Y/N) and Blueberry must be so scared!' "Erm aren't here Error..."  Ink replies sadly and looks at me with a sad expression (if the undertale/AU skeletons can even do that) "but I can use my magic to find them" he says I look at him happily "ReAlLy!?" I say excited and smile "yeah!" He smiles back "just give me a second ok Error" he says I think for a second 'I don't think I can take any more waiting but I'll have to just to know that's she/he and Blueberry are safe'

Hey sorry this is not as long as I wanted it to be but I tried to make it long since it took forever to make but anyway I'll see you in the next chapter love you bye bye ~Annie

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