🍁•sixteen - a proposal•🍁

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Holding my notebook, I smiled as I saw my boss. It was weird, I've been working for her for awhile now yet .., I don't know her name. Neither does Amy or the other girls who works there. We would just address her as 'boss'.

And I'm now in Georgia with her, helping her out with the shop that will opening when spring appears. Unlocking it, we walked in. The place was already painted in pastel colors, they have already placed the decorations there.

"So, spring is three months away. This gives you time to move your stuff here, maybe even rent a house." she said as we entered my new office. It was pastel blue in color, the furniture were already there and it had a calm vibe to it.

She leaned on the wall, "So, you like it?" she asks.

"I do. I said, looking around. "Since it's your office, you can decorate it with whatever you want." she smiled. I smiled back, "Sure .., boss."

She chuckled. "I guessed you still don't know my name. It's Melissa." she smiled.
"Sure, Miss Melissa."
"Just call me Melissa."

Smiling, I nod my head. "Alright, Melissa."

"So, let's head for lunch, I know this good food truck." she said as I nod, leaving the place. "Wait up." I said as I took a picture of the place, before getting into her car. "So, what do you think? Moving to Georgia?" she asked.

"I don't mind. I've told my father and my house mate. I'll sell the house I'm currently living on since my house mate isn't continuing her studies anymore and my father is going to help me buy a reasonable apartment here and well, that's it." I smiled.

"What about your boyfriend?" she smiled.

Laughing, I looked out the window. "He doesn't mind. Plus, he's the one who told me that I should take this job." I told as she grinned. "Well. I need to thank him then." she said as I chuckled, nodding my head.

Halting the car, we got out and went to the food truck she told me before. "What do you want? My treat." she said as I looked at the menu. "BBQ meatballs would do." I said as she nod her head, ordering our meals. Waiting, I sent the picture of my future workplace to Edward, my father and Maya.

Melissa called me as I kept my phone in my pocket, taking my meal from her. "Thank for this." I said as she shook her head. "This is nothing, really."

As we finished, we take a plane back to LA.

Maya smiled at me as I arrived home. Apparently, she was still packing and Edward would drop by in half and hour. "I can't believe you're going to Georgia." she chuckled. "Call me whenever." she continued as she packed her books.

Sitting on her bed, I smiled. "You know, I'm really going to miss you."

"Georgia is just four hours away if you take a plane. I'm not that far."

Smiling, she looked at me. "Chloe, I'm moving to UK."

My eyes went wide. "What?! You didn't tell me!"

"I'm furthering my studies there since my parents told me to." she sat down.

I heard the doorbell ring as I looked at her. "That's probably Edward." I said as she smiled. "Call me when you guys get married." she blurted, making me laugh, fitting her hand softly.

Walking towards the door, I opened it to see Edward smiling back at me, with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. "I bought this at your shop." he said as I laughed. "Thanks."

"Get in, it's cold." I said as I pulled him in.

"Hey, new years are coming soon and my company is having a gala during the countdown. Let's go." he said as I placed the flowers on my bed.

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